swa: kukumbuka

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has URIhttp://lexvo.org/id/term/swa/kukumbuka
means(verb) recapture the past; indulge in memories; "he remembered how he used to pick flowers"
remember, think back
means(verb) exercise, or have the power of, memory; "After the shelling, many people lost the ability to remember"; "some remember better than others"
means(verb) keep in mind for attention or consideration; "Remember the Alamo"; "Remember to call your mother every day!"; "Think of the starving children in India!"
remember, think of
means(verb) show appreciation to; "He remembered her in his will"
means(verb) recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection; "I can't remember saying any such thing"; "I can't think what her last name was"; "can you remember her phone number?"; "Do you remember that he once loved you?"; "call up memories"
retrieve, call back, remember, think, recollect, call up, recall


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