slk: základ

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means(noun) the internal supporting structure that gives an artifact its shape; "the building has a steel skeleton"
frame, skeleton, skeletal frame, underframe
means(noun) a relation that provides the foundation for something; "they were on a friendly footing"; "he worked on an interim basis"
footing, basis, ground
means(noun) the basis on which something is grounded; "there is little foundation for his objections"
means(noun) the immaterial part of a person; the actuating cause of an individual life
soul, psyche
means(noun) the number of elements in a mathematical set; denotes a quantity but not the order
cardinal number, cardinal
means(noun) lowest support of a structure; "it was built on a base of solid rock"; "he stood at the foot of the tower"
substructure, foot, understructure, fundament, groundwork, foundation, base


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