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means(verb) think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes; "He is meditating in his study"
study, contemplate, meditate
means(verb) reflect deeply on a subject; "I mulled over the events of the afternoon"; "philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years"; "The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate"
excogitate, reflect, muse, ruminate, contemplate, think over, meditate, speculate, ponder, mull over, mull, chew over
means(verb) think logically; "The children must learn to reason"
means(verb) give careful consideration to; "consider the possibility of moving"
consider, study
means(verb) use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments; "I've been thinking all day and getting nowhere"
cogitate, cerebrate, think
means(verb) decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion; "We reasoned that it was cheaper to rent than to buy a house"
reason, conclude, reason out
means(verb) recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection; "I can't remember saying any such thing"; "I can't think what her last name was"; "can you remember her phone number?"; "Do you remember that he once loved you?"; "call up memories"
retrieve, call back, remember, think, recollect, call up, recall
means(verb) think about carefully; weigh; "They considered the possibility of a strike"; "Turn the proposal over in your mind"
turn over, deliberate, consider, debate, moot
means(verb) take into consideration for exemplifying purposes; "Take the case of China"; "Consider the following case"
look at, take, consider, deal


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