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has gloss(noun) activity by a military or naval force (as a maneuver or campaign); "it was a joint operation of the navy and air force"
military operation, operation
has glosseng: Military operations Military operations are the coordinated military actions of a state in response to a developing situation. These actions are designed as a military plan to resolve the situation in the state's favour. Operations may be of combat or non-combat types, and are referred to by a code name for the purpose of security. Military operations are often known for their more generally accepted common usage names then their actual operational objectives.
lexicalizationeng: Military operations
lexicalizationeng: Military operation
lexicalizationeng: Miltary operations
lexicalizationeng: operation
subclass of(noun) any specific behavior; "they avoided all recreational activity"
Note: 82 other subclass(es) ommited in the following list
has subclass(noun) the act of collecting information
information gathering
has subclass(noun) military actions designed to influence the perceptions and attitudes of individuals, groups, and foreign governments
psyop, psychological operation
has subclass(noun) an intelligence operation so planned as to permit plausible denial by the sponsor
covert operation
has subclassc/Military operations by country
has subclassc/Military operations involving Afghanistan
has subclassc/Military operations involving Australia by war
has subclassc/Military operations involving Austria–Hungary
has subclassc/Military operations involving Colombia
has subclassc/Military operations involving Ethiopia
has subclassc/Military operations involving Italy by war
has subclassc/Military operations involving Italy
has subclassc/Military operations involving Poland by war
has subclassc/Military operations involving Poland
has subclassc/Military operations involving Somalia
has subclassc/Military operations involving Spain
has subclassc/Military operations involving Sri Lanka
has subclassc/Military operations involving Venezuela
has subclassc/Military operations involving the Soviet Union
has subclassc/Military operations involving the United Kingdom
has subclassc/Military operations involving the United States
has subclassc/Military operations of World War I by country
has subclassc/Military operations of World War I involving Austria–Hungary
has subclassc/Military operations of World War I involving Germany
has subclassc/Military operations of World War I involving Russia
has subclassc/Military operations of World War I involving the United Kingdom
has subclassc/Military operations of World War II involving Germany
has subclassc/Military operations of the American Civil War
has subclassc/Military operations of the Iran-Iraq War
has subclassc/Military operations of the Iraq War involving Australia
has subclassc/Military operations of the Iraq War involving the United Kingdom
has subclassc/Military operations of the Iraq War involving the United States
has subclassc/Military operations of the Iraq War
has subclassc/Military operations of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
has subclassc/Military operations of the Korean War
has subclassc/Military operations of the War in Afghanistan (2001–present) by country
has subclassc/Military operations of the War in Afghanistan (2001–present) involving Afghanistan
has subclassc/Military operations of the War in Afghanistan (2001–present) involving Denmark
has subclassc/Military operations of the War in Afghanistan (2001–present) involving Germany
has subclassc/Military operations of the War in Afghanistan (2001–present) involving the Netherlands
has subclasse/Military operations other than war (UK)
Note: 41 other instance(s) ommited in the following list
has instance(noun) an American operation in World War I (1918); American troops under Pershing drove back the German armies which were saved only by the armistice on November 11
Meuse-Argonne operation, Meuse-Argonne, Meuse River, Meuse, Argonne, Argonne Forest
has instancec/cs/Nerealizované vojenské operace
has instancee/cs/Operace Blue Jay
has instancec/de/Militärische Operation im Zweiten Weltkrieg
has instancee/de/Operation Dragon Rouge und Dragon Noir
has instancee/Attempts to escape Oflag IV-C
has instancec/Lists of military operations
has instancee/Combat assessment
has instancee/Combat search and rescue
has instancee/Cyber Operations
has instancee/Desert Shield
has instancee/EUFOR RD Congo
has instancee/Exercise Reforger
has instancee/List of allied military operations of the Vietnam War
has instancee/List of coalition military operations of the Iraq War
has instancee/Objective (military)
has instancee/Operation Bright Star
has instancee/Operation Kingfisher
has instancee/Operation Luger
has instancee/Operation Matador (1941)
has instancee/Operation Mountain Viper
has instancee/Operation Steel Box
has instancee/Stabilization, Security, Transition, and Reconstruction Operations
has instancee/fr/Opération Strangle (Guerre de Corée)
has instancee/fr/Operation Silver Back
has instancee/fr/Prise de Pando
has instancee/id/Daftar operasi militer dan non-militer TNI
has instancee/id/Operasi pembebasan sandera Mapenduma
has instancec/lv/Militārās operācijas Livonijas krusta karos
has instancec/nl/Bombardement
has instancee/nl/Operatie Opera
has instancec/no/Operasjoner under andre verdenskrig
has instancee/no/Operasjon Afghansk Falk
has instancee/no/Operasjon Assured Response
has instancee/no/Operasjon Phantom Fury
has instancee/ru/Ахалкетинские экспедиции
has instancee/sl/Izkrcanje
has instancee/sl/Seznam vojaških operacij druge svetovne vojne
has instancee/sr/Операција Лукавац 93
has instancee/th/แผนปฏิบัติการทางทหาร
has glossara: عملية عسكرية هو مصطلح عسكري حربى يضم عدة استراتيجيات
lexicalizationara: عملية عسكرية
lexicalizationbos: Vojne operacije
has glossbul: Операцията е съвкупност от съгласувани и взаимосвързани по цели, задачи, място и време едновременни и последователни сражения, боеве, удари и маньоври на разнородни сили (войски), провеждана по единен замисъл и план, за решаването на стратегически, оперативно-стратегически, оперативни или оперативно-тактически задачи на театъра на военните действия (ТВД), стратегическото, (оперативното) направление или определен район.
lexicalizationbul: Военна операция
lexicalizationbul: действие
lexicalizationces: Vojenské operace
Mandarin Chinese
lexicalizationcmn: jūn shì xíng dong
lexicalizationcmn: 军事行动
lexicalizationcmn: 軍事行動
has glossdeu: Als Operation in militärischem Sinn werden zeitlich und räumlich zusammenhängende Handlungen von Kräften einer Seite bezeichnet, die auf ein gemeinsames Ziel gerichtet sind. Sie sind an keine Führungsebene gebunden und finden vor, während und nach Schlachten und Gefechten statt. Im Laufe einer Operation kann es zu mehreren Schlachten und Gefechten kommen. Neben der Gefechtstätigkeit gehören aber auch alle anderen militärischen Maßnahmen, zum Beispiel Märsche oder Versorgung von Truppen und sonstige Maßnahmen jeder Art und jeden Umfangs, zur Operation. Der Umstand, dass Operationen an keine Führungsebene gebunden sind und keinen bestimmten Kräfteumfang voraussetzen, darf nicht darüber täuschen, dass sie grundsätzlich erst ab Brigadeebene aufwärts geführt werden. Das hängt auch damit zusammen, dass Operationen grundsätzlich von verschiedenen Truppengattungen und heutzutage gewöhnlich außerdem von verschiedenen Teilstreitkräften gemeinsam ausgeführt werden.
lexicalizationdeu: Einsatz
lexicalizationdeu: Operation
lexicalizationdeu: Militäroperation
lexicalizationdeu: Betrieb
lexicalizationdeu: Tätigkeit
lexicalizationepo: manovro
has glossfas: عملیات‌های نظامی عملیات‌های نظامی مجموعه‌ای از اقدامات نظامی است که در پاسخ به وضعیتی رو به گسترش انجام می‌شوند. این اقدامات به صورت یک نقشه یا طرح نظامی تهیه می‌شوند تا یک اوضاع خاص را به نفع نیروی مربوطه تغییر دهند. عملیات‌ها به دو شکل رزمی و غیررزمی هستند و معمولاً به دلیل مسائل امنیتی از یک اسم رمز برای اشاره به آن‌ها استفاده می‌شود. عملیات‌های نظامی را به جای این که با اهداف عملیاتی واقعیشان بشناسند، غالباً با نامی که به آن مشهور شده‌اند می‌شناسند.
lexicalizationfas: عملیات نظامی
has glossfin: Operaatio on sodankäynnissä useammista taisteluista muodostuva sotatoimi, jolla on jokin taisteluita yhdistävä ja niitä suurempi tavoite. Sota taas koostuu operaatioista.
lexicalizationfin: operaatio
lexicalizationfin: Sotilasoperaatiot
has glossfra: Une opération militaire est une action, planifiée (dates, moyens déployés, horaires, personnels, encadrements et objectifs), menée par des forces armées. Les opérations militaires peuvent combiner des opérations aériennes, des opérations terrestres et des opérations navales ; elles sont dites alors interarmées.
lexicalizationfra: Liste d'opérations militaires
lexicalizationfra: Operation militaire
lexicalizationfra: Opération militaire
lexicalizationfra: manoeuvre
has glossheb: מבצע צבאי הוא יישום של מדיניות באמצעים צבאיים (לדוגמה בקמפיין צבאי) כדי להשיג מטרות או יעדים מוגדרים מראש. מבצעים צבאיים כוללים לרוב: תכנון מקדים, גיוס כוחות, תהליכי ביון (איסוף, מחקר והערכה של מידע), הקצאת תקציבים והגדרת מסגרות זמן לביצוע. מרבית המבצעים הצבאיים נקראים בשמות קוד כדי לשמור על חשאיותם.
lexicalizationheb: מבצע צבאי
lexicalizationhrv: postupak
lexicalizationhrv: vojna operacija
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has glosshun: A hadművelet a haditevékenység egyik formája, a csapatok cél, feladat, hely és idő szerint összehangolt ütközetének, harcainak, csapásainak összessége, melyet egyidejüleg, vagy egymás után egységes alapelgondolás és terv alapján hadműveleti, hadműveleti-harcászati feladatok megoldása érdekében meghatározott területen, adott idő alatt hajtanak végre. A hadművelet tartalmát a hadműveleti cél, a haditevékenység térbeli kiterjedése és időtartama, a részt vevő erők és eszközök mennyisége, a hadi tevékenység fajtája, rendje és vezetése, kitűzött, illetve elért eredmények határozzák meg.
lexicalizationhun: hadművelet
has glossind: Operasi militer ialah sebuah aksi perencanaan dan pengaturan angkatan militer. Operasi militer sering melibatkan operasi udara, operasi darat, dan operasi laut; biasa untuk tujuan keamanan.
lexicalizationind: Operasi militer
lexicalizationita: operazione
lexicalizationita: Operazione militare
lexicalizationita: Operazioni militari
has glossjpn: 作戦(さくせん、)は、ある目標を達成するための作戦計画の下に実行される戦闘行動をいう軍事用語である。
lexicalizationjpn: 作戦
lexicalizationkor: 군사작전
lexicalizationlav: Militārās operācijas
has glossnld: Een militaire operatie, ook wel operatie, gevechtsoperatie, legeroperatie, (militaire) missie of legermissie genoemd, is een bepaalde actie ondernomen door militaire troepen om een bepaald doel te behalen.
lexicalizationnld: Militaire operatie
Norwegian Nynorsk
lexicalizationnno: Militære operasjonar
lexicalizationnor: Militære operasjoner
lexicalizationpor: manobra
lexicalizationpor: operação
lexicalizationron: Operaţiuni militare
lexicalizationrus: работа
lexicalizationrus: действие
lexicalizationrus: Военные операции
lexicalizationrus: управление
has glossslv: Operacija v vojaškem žargonu označuje skupek vseh vojaških postopkov, ki se sprožijo za izvršitev danega cilja.
lexicalizationslv: Vojaška operacija
lexicalizationslv: Vojaške operacije
has glossspa: Operaciones Militares Las Operaciones Militares consisten en la aplicación de los principios políticos, de planificación, organización y administración en el uso de los recursos y de la fuerza militar (como por ejemplo en una campaña militar), en la formación diaria y actividades de las unidades para conseguir metas u objetivos específicos. Esto es un concepto, y no debe confundirse con las operaciones militares como sucesos. Engloba la planificación y movilización de las fuerzas militares, del proceso de recogida de Inteligencia, del análisis y extensión de la Información, asignando recursos y determinando los requerimientos temporales. Una operación militar puede implicar el desarrollo de una estrategia militar o de una maniobra operacional a través del uso del movimiento logístico de fuerzas.
lexicalizationspa: Operacion militar
lexicalizationspa: Operaciones militares
lexicalizationspa: Operación militar
lexicalizationspa: acción de guerra
has glosssrp: Војна операција је координисана војна активност државе. У сврху тајности војне операције имају шифроване називе. Могу бити борбене и неборбене и могу се даље разврставати по више критеријума, као што су територија коју обухвата, обим ангажовања оружаних снага, утицај на остале елементе оружаног сукоба ...
lexicalizationsrp: Војна операција
lexicalizationsrp: Војне операције
has glossswe: Militär operation är inom militären den teoretiska skala som ligger ovanför taktiken men under strategin. Operationer är de planer som hela krigsmakten planeras följa under en väpnad konflikt, och läran om sådana planer. I modern krigföring är gränsen mellan strategi-operation och operation-taktik ibland suddig. Operationer brukar ofta ha kodnamn, som till exempel: * Fall Gelb, Nazitysklands invasion av Belgien, Nederländerna och Frankrike 10 juni 1940. * Operation Barbarossa, Nazitysklands invasion av Sovjetunionen 22 juni 1941. * Operation Overlord, den allierade landstigningen i Normandie 6 juni 1944.
lexicalizationswe: Militär operation
has glosstha: ปฏิบัติการทางทหาร คือ การประยุกต์ใช้นโยบาย การวางแผน การจัดการและการอำนวยการในการนำกองกำลังและทรัพยากรเข้าสู่รูปแบบรายวัน และดำเนินกิจกรรมดังกล่าวไปจนกว่าจะบรรลุผลตามเป้าหมายที่วางเอาไว้ ซึ่งไม่มีความเกี่ยวข้องกับเหตุการณ์ทางทหาร ปฏิบัติการทางทหาร ข้องเกี่ยวกับการวางแผน การเคลื่อนพล กระบวนการข่าวสารซึ่งประกอบด้วยการรวบรวม วิเคราะห์และกระจายข่าวสาร และการวางตำแหน่งยุทธปัจจัยและเวลาที่ต้องการ
lexicalizationtha: ปฏิบัติการทางทหาร
lexicalizationtur: Askeri harekatlar
lexicalizationtur: Askerî harekâtlar
has glossukr: Військо́ва опера́ція — у загальному вигляді являє собою сукупність узгоджених й взаємозв’язаних за метою, завданнями, місцем й часом одночасних і послідовних битв, бойових та спеціальних дій, ударів, маневру та дій військ (сил), що проводяться за єдиним замислом і планом для вирішення стратегічних, оперативних завдань у визначеному районі у встановлений період часу.
lexicalizationukr: Військова операція
lexicalizationzho: 軍事行動
has category(noun) the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"
war machine, military machine, armed services, armed forces, military
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