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has gloss(noun) a class of woman not considered respectable because of indiscreet or promiscuous behavior
has glosseng: Demimondaine was a polite 19th century term that was often used the same way we use the term "mistress" today. Demimonde primarily referred to a class of women on the fringes of respectable society supported by wealthy lovers (usually each had several). The term is also used to refer to these women as a group, and the social circles they moved in. As a group, the demimonde did not form a society any more than modern prostitutes form a society. But they did represent a social class of women in the latter half of the 19th century and into the early 20th century who were commonplace fixtures in the upper class of French, English and, to some extent, American society. In the United States and Britain, they were (and still are) also often referred to as courtesans, though that term in the 19th century applied to a profession (as the term "prostitute" describes a profession), whereas demimonde was used to describe a broader social class, and demimondaine a member of that class.
lexicalizationeng: Demi-monde
lexicalizationeng: demimonde
subclass of(noun) people having the same social, economic, or educational status; "the working class"; "an emerging professional class"
socio-economic class, stratum, social class, class
has glossdeu: Halbwelt (frz. ) ist eine durch das gleichnamige Drama des jüngeren Dumas (1855) in Gebrauch gekommene Bezeichnung für die in Großstädten (namentlich Paris) stark vertretene Klasse von Abenteurern höherer Gattung, welche äußerlich Sitten und Lebensweise der vornehmen Stände nachzuahmen sucht; insbesondere für anrüchige, aber äußerlich in aller Eleganz auftretende Leute mit Verbindungen zu zweifelhaften oder halbkriminellen Kreisen.
lexicalizationdeu: Halbwelt
lexicalizationdeu: Rotlichtmilieu
lexicalizationepo: demimondo
has glossfra: __NOTOC__ En France, au , le terme de demi-mondaine désignait les femmes entretenues par de riches Parisiens. Ce groupe social jusque là, invisible, se manifesta bruyamment dans la presse, le théâtre et les réunions publiques à partir du Second Empire pour atteindre son apogée vers 1900 et disparaitre pendant la Première Guerre mondiale.
lexicalizationfra: Demi mondaine
lexicalizationfra: Demi-mondaine
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lexicalizationkor: 화류계
has glossrus: Полусве́т  — ироническая характеристика высших слоев французского и английского (реже — американского) общества второй половины XIX века в их публичной жизни, уже не замкнутой исключительно сословным, аристократическим кругом, высшим обществом, светом. С носителями высокого потомственного статуса, представителями лучших семейств здесь соседствуют теперь люди случая, ловцы удачи, авантюристы, модники, аферисты. В этом смысле, полусвет — характерный феномен западных обществ в начальные периоды эпохи модерна.
lexicalizationrus: полусвет
has glossslv: Demimondke je vljuden francoski izraz, ki se je v 19. stoletju uveljavil kot opis tedanjih ljubic, kutrizan.
lexicalizationslv: Demimondke
has glossswe: Demimonde är en benämning på lägre samhällsklasser, framför allt prostituerade kvinnor, som försöker att efterlikna den förnäma världens levnadssätt genom att omge sig med lyx.
lexicalizationswe: Demi-monde
lexicalizationswe: demimonde
lexicalizationtur: þüpheli kadýnlar sýnýfý
has member(noun) a woman whose sexual promiscuity places her outside respectable society
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