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has gloss(noun) royal persons collectively; "the wedding was attended by royalty"
royal line, royal house, royalty, royal family
has glosseng: A royal family is the extended family of a king or queen regnant. The term imperial family appropriately describes the extended family of an emperor or empress, while the terms "ducal family", "grand ducal family" or "princely family" are more appropriate to describe the relatives of a reigning duke, grand duke, or prince, however in common parlance members of any family which reigns by hereditary right are often referred to as royalty or "royals". It is also customary in some circles to refer to the extended relations of a deposed monarch and his or her descendants as a royal family.
has glosseng: A royal family is the family of a monarch (king or queen of a country). Or someone who is related to a queen, king or a monarch.
lexicalizationeng: Royal Family
lexicalizationeng: royal house
lexicalizationeng: royal line
lexicalizationeng: Royalty
subclass of(noun) aristocratic family line; "the House of York"
has subclass(noun) the English royal house that reigned from 1714 to 1901 (from George I to Victoria)
Hanover, House of Hanover, Hanoverian line
has subclass(noun) a royal German family that provided rulers for several European states and wore the crown of the Holy Roman Empire from 1440 to 1806
Hapsburg, Habsburg
has subclass(noun) a German noble family that ruled Brandenburg and Prussia
has subclass(noun) the English royal house that reigned from 1399 to 1461; its emblem was a red rose
Lancastrian line, Lancaster, House of Lancaster
has subclass(noun) the family name of a line of English kings that reigned from 1154 to 1485
Plantagenet line, Plantagenet
has subclass(noun) the Russian imperial line that ruled from 1613 to 1917
Romanov, Romanoff
has subclass(noun) the name of the royal family that ruled Great Britain from 1901-1917; the name was changed to Windsor in 1917 in response to anti-German feelings in World War I
has subclass(noun) the royal family that ruled Scotland from 1371-1714 and ruled England from 1603 to 1649 and again from 1660 to 1714
has subclass(noun) the English royal house (a branch of the Plantagenet line) that reigned from 1461 to 1485; its emblem was a white rose
York, House of York
has glossara: العائلة المالكة هي عائلة ممتده من الملوك. غالبا ما يكون رأس مُلك العائلة المالكة ملك أو ملكة. مصطلح "العائلة الامبراطورية" يناسب وصف الاسرة الممتدة التي يكون رأس مُلكها إمبراطور أو إمبراطورة، في حين أن مصطلح "العائلة الدوقية" و"العائلة الغراندوقية" أو "العائلة الأميرية" هي الأنسب في الإشارة عندما يكون الرأس دوقا أو الدوقا أكبر أو أميرا.
lexicalizationara: عائلة مالكة
lexicalizationara: ملكية
Mandarin Chinese
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lexicalizationdan: Kongelige
lexicalizationdeu: Fürstenhaus
lexicalizationdeu: Königshaus
lexicalizationfao: Kongalig
lexicalizationfin: kuningasperhe
has glossfra: Voici une liste de généalogies impériales, royales et princières.
lexicalizationfra: Liste de genealogies imperiales, royales et princieres
lexicalizationfra: Liste de généalogies impériales, royales et princières
has glosshbs: Kraljevska obitelj je proširena obitelj monarha. Općenito, poglavar kraljevske obitelji je kralj ili kraljica. Termin "carska obitelj" odgovarajuće opisuje proširenu obitelj cara ili carice, dok termini "vojvodska obitelj", "velikovojvodska obitelj" ili "principatska obitelj" su odgovarajući kada se govori o rođacima vladajućeg vojvode, velikog vojvode ili princa. U nekim krugovima smatra se odgovarajućim kada se o proširenim rodbinskim vezama preminulog monarha i njegovih ili njezinih potomaka govori kao o kraljevskoj obitelji.
lexicalizationhbs: Kraljevska porodica
has glosshrv: Kraljevska obitelj je proširena obitelj monarha. Općenito, poglavar kraljevske obitelji je kralj ili kraljica. Termin "carska obitelj" odgovarajuće opisuje proširenu obitelj cara ili carice, dok termini "vojvodska obitelj", "velikovojvodska obitelj" ili "principatska obitelj" su odgovarajući kada se govori o rođacima vladajućeg vojvode, velikog vojvode ili princa. U nekim krugovima smatra se odgovarajućim kada se o proširenim rodbinskim vezama preminulog monarha i njegovih ili njezinih potomaka govori kao o kraljevskoj obitelji.
lexicalizationhrv: kraljevska obitelj
has glossind: Keluarga kerajaan adalah keluarga besar seorang penguasa. Umumnya, kepala keluarga kerajaan adalah seorang raja maupun ratu. Istilah "keluarga kekaisaran" lebih cocok menjelaskan keluarga besar kaisar, sedangkan istilah "keluarga kadipaten"", "keluarga kadipaten agung", atau "keluarga kepangeranan" lebih cocok untuk merujuk pada keluarga seorang adipati, adipati agung, maupun pangeran. Juga dianggap cocok dalam beberapa lingkaran untuk menyapa keluarga besar raja terdepak sebagai "keluarga kerajaan" juga.
lexicalizationind: Keluarga kerajaan
has glossita: La famiglia reale è la famiglia di un re o di una regina. Il termine famiglia imperiale, invece, descrive la famiglia di un imperatore o di un'imperatrice, mentre i termini famiglia ducale, famiglia granducale o famiglia principesca si riferiscono ai parenti di un duca regnante, di un granduca o di un principe. Si ritiene inoltre corretto usare il termine di famiglia reale anche in relazione ai sovrani deposti ed alle loro discendenze.
lexicalizationita: famiglia reale
has glossjpn: 王室(おうしつ)は、一国の国王及び王族の総称。
lexicalizationjpn: 王室
lexicalizationjpn: 王族
lexicalizationlav: Karaliskā vara
Norwegian Nynorsk
lexicalizationnno: Kongelege
lexicalizationnor: Kongelige personer
lexicalizationnor: kongehus
lexicalizationpol: rodzina
has glosspor: A família real é a família alargada de um monarca. Geralmente, o chefe de uma família real é um rei ou uma rainha. O termo "Família Imperial", mais adequadamente, descreve a família alargada de um imperador ou imperatriz, enquanto que os termos "família ducal", "família grã-ducal" ou "família do principado" são os mais adequados, em referência aos familiares de um duque, grão-duque, ou príncipe.
lexicalizationpor: família real
has glossspa: Una familia real es la familia extendida de un monarca. Generalmente, la cabeza de una familia real es un Rey o una Reina reinante. El termino "familia imperial" describe de manera más apropiada a la familia extendida de un Emperador o Emperatriz reinante, mientras que los términos "familia ducal", "gran familia ducal" o "familia principesca" para los familiares de un duque, gran duque o príncipe reinante. También se considera apropiado en algunos círculos referirse a los familiares extendidos de un monarca depuesto y a sus descendientes de la familia real.
lexicalizationspa: familia real
has glossswe: En kunglighet är en person av kunglig familj.
lexicalizationswe: Kungligheter
lexicalizationswe: kunglighet
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lexicalizationtur: Kraliyet hanedanları
lexicalizationvie: Hoàng tộc
Classical Armenian
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lexicalizationzho: 皇族
has member(noun) (Your Highness or His Highness or Her Highness) title used to address a royal person
has member(noun) a male sovereign; ruler of a kingdom
king, male monarch, Rex
has member(noun) a male member of a royal family other than the sovereign (especially the son of a sovereign)
has member(noun) a female member of a royal family other than the queen (especially the daughter of a sovereign)
has member(noun) a female sovereign ruler
female monarch, queen, queen regnant
has member(noun) the wife or widow of a king
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similare/Royal house
media:imgTrooping the Colour, Saturday June 16th 2007.jpg


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