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has gloss(noun) (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders
lexicalizationeng: class
subclass of(noun) animal or plant group having natural relations
taxonomic category, taxon, taxonomic group
Note: 109 other subclass(es) ommited in the following list
has subclass(noun) plants having naked seeds not enclosed in an ovary; in some systems considered a class (Gymnospermae) and in others a division (Gymnospermophyta); comprises three subdivisions (or classes): Cycadophytina (class Cycadopsida) and Gnetophytina (class Gnetopsida) and Coniferophytina (class Coniferopsida); in some classifications the Coniferophytina are divided into three groups: Pinophytina (class Pinopsida) and Ginkgophytina (class Ginkgopsida) and Taxophytina (class Taxopsida)
Gymnospermae, class Gymnospermae, division Gymnospermophyta, Gymnospermophyta
has subclass(noun) gymnospermous flowering plants; supposed link between conifers and angiosperms; in some systems classified as a class (Gnetopsida) and in others as a subdivision (Gnetophytina or Gnetophyta)
class Gnetopsida, Gnetophytina, Gnetopsida, Gnetophyta, subdivision Gnetophytina
has subclass(noun) palmlike gymnosperms: includes the surviving order Cycadales and several extinct orders; possibly not a natural group; in some systems considered a class (Cycadopsida) and in others a subdivision (Cycadophytina or Cycadophyta)
subdivision Cycadophyta, Cycadopsida, Cycadophyta, Cycadophytina, class Cycadopsida, subdivision Cycadophytina
has subclass(noun) cone-bearing gymnosperms dating from the Carboniferous period; most are substantial trees; includes the classes Pinopsida (subdivision Pinophytina) and Ginkgopsida (subdivision Ginkgophytina) and Taxopsida (subdivision Taxophytina) which in turn include the surviving orders Coniferales and Taxales (yews) and sometimes Ginkgoales as well as extinct orders such as Cordaitales (of the Carboniferous and Permian)
Coniferophytina, Coniferopsida, Coniferophyta, class Coniferopsida, subdivision Coniferophytina
has subclass(noun) one of four subclasses or superorders of Monocotyledones; comprises about 19,000 species in 25 families of mostly terrestrial herbs especially of moist places including: Cyperaceae; Gramineae; Bromeliaceae; and Zingiberaceae
Commelinidae, subclass Commelinidae
has subclass(noun) a group of mostly sympetalous herbs and some trees and shrubs mostly with 2 fused carpels; contains 43 families including Campanulales; Solanaceae; Scrophulariaceae; Labiatae; Verbenaceae; Rubiaceae; Compositae; sometimes classified as a superorder
Asteridae, subclass Asteridae
has subclass(noun) cellular slime molds; in some classifications placed in kingdom Protoctista
class Acrasiomycetes, Acrasiomycetes
has subclass(noun) large class of higher fungi coextensive with subdivision Basidiomycota
Basidiomycetes, class Basidiomycetes
has subclass(noun) category used in some classification systems for various basidiomycetous fungi including e.g. mushrooms and puffballs which are usually placed in the classes Gasteromycetes and Hymenomycetes
subclass Homobasidiomycetes, Homobasidiomycetes
has subclass(noun) used in some classifications; usually coextensive with order Agaricales: mushrooms; toadstools; agarics; bracket fungi
Hymenomycetes, class Hymenomycetes
has subclass(noun) large class of higher fungi coextensive with division Ascomycota: sac fungi
Ascomycetes, class Ascomycetes
has subclass(noun) category not used in many classification systems
Euascomycetes, subclass Euascomycetes
has subclass(noun) class of fungi in which no ascocarps are formed: yeasts and some plant parasites
class Hemiascomycetes, Hemiascomycetes
has subclass(noun) fungi in which the hymenium is enclosed until after spores have matured: puffballs; earth stars; stinkhorn fungi
Gastromycetes, class Gasteromycetes, class Gastromycetes, Gasteromycetes
has subclass(noun) category used in some systems to comprise the two orders Ustilaginales (smuts) and Uredinales (rusts)
class Tiliomycetes, Tiliomycetes
has subclass(noun) horsetails and related forms
class Equisetatae, Sphenopsida, Equisetatae, class Sphenopsida
has subclass(noun) brown algae; mostly marine and littoral eukaryotic algae
class Phaeophyceae, Phaeophyceae
has subclass(noun) alternative name for the class Chlorophyceae in some classifications
Ulvophyceae, class Ulvophyceae
has subclass(noun) protozoa having flagella
class Mastigophora, class Flagellata, Flagellata, Mastigophora
has subclass(noun) strictly parasitic protozoans that are usually immobile; includes plasmodia and coccidia and piroplasms and malaria parasites
class Sporozoa, Sporozoa
has subclass(noun) small class of free-swimming tunicates; sometimes classified as an order
class Thaliacea, Thaliacea
has subclass(noun) comprising all vertebrates with upper and lower jaws
superclass Gnathostomata, Gnathostomata
has subclass(noun) cartilaginous fishes
Chondrichthyes, class Chondrichthyes
has subclass(noun) chimaeras and extinct forms
subclass Holocephali, Holocephali
has subclass(noun) class of cold-blooded air-breathing vertebrates with completely ossified skeleton and a body usually covered with scales or horny plates; once the dominant land animals
Reptilia, class Reptilia
has subclass(noun) a large subclass of diapsid reptiles including: crocodiles; alligators; dinosaurs; pterosaurs; plesiosaurs; ichthyosaurs; thecodonts
Archosauria, subclass Archosauria
has subclass(noun) spiders; scorpions; horseshoe crabs
Chelicerata, superclass Chelicerata
has subclass(noun) arthropods having the trunk composed of numerous somites each bearing one pair of legs: centipedes
class Chilopoda, Chilopoda
has subclass(noun) free-living flatworms
class Turbellaria, Turbellaria
has subclass(noun) small class of bilaterally symmetrical marine forms comprising the tooth shells
class Scaphopoda, Scaphopoda
has subclass(noun) gastropods having the gills when present posterior to the heart and having no operculum: includes sea slugs; sea butterflies; sea hares
Opisthobranchia, subclass Opisthobranchia
has subclass(noun) a class of Gastropoda
Amphineura, subclass Amphineura
has subclass(noun) largest subclass of Crustacea including most of the well-known marine, freshwater, and terrestrial crustaceans: crabs; lobsters; shrimps; sow bugs; beach flies
subclass Malacostraca, Malacostraca
has subclass(noun) primitive aquatic mainly freshwater crustaceans: fairy shrimps; brine shrimps; tadpole shrimps; can shrimps; water fleas
Branchiopoda, subclass Branchiopoda
has subclass(noun) seed shrimps
Ostracoda, subclass Ostracoda
has subclass(noun) enigmatic small elongated wormlike terrestrial invertebrates of damp dark habitats in warm regions; distinct from the phylum Annelida; resemble slugs with legs and are sometimes described as the missing link between arthropods and annelids
class Onychophora, Onychophora
has subclass(noun) basket stars
Euryalida, subclass Euryalida
has subclass(noun) class of echinoderms including the sea cucumbers
class Holothuroidea, Holothuroidea
has subclass(noun) anthropoid apes and human beings
superfamily Hominoidea, Hominoidea
has subclass(noun) snakeheads
Channidae, class Channidae
has instancee/List of prehistoric medusozoans
lexicalizationbre: kevrennad
lexicalizationbul: видове
lexicalizationces: druh
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lexicalizationdan: klasse
lexicalizationdeu: Art
lexicalizationdeu: Spezies
Modern Greek (1453-)
lexicalizationell: είδος
lexicalizationepo: speco
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lexicalizationfin: laji
lexicalizationfra: espèce
lexicalizationhun: faj
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Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)
lexicalizationina: classe
lexicalizationita: specie
lexicalizationkat: კლასი
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lexicalizationmri: momo
lexicalizationnld: soort
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lexicalizationpor: classe
lexicalizationpor: espécies
lexicalizationrus: род
lexicalizationrus: группа
lexicalizationrus: порода
lexicalizationrus: класс
lexicalizationrus: вид
lexicalizationslk: druh
lexicalizationslk: skupina
lexicalizationslk: trieda
lexicalizationspa: especie
lexicalizationswe: art
lexicalizationtel: తరగతి
lexicalizationtur: tür
has category(noun) the science that studies living organisms
biology, biological science
has member(noun) (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more families
member of(noun) (biology) the major taxonomic group of animals and plants; contains classes


Word: (case sensitive)
Language: (ISO 639-3 code, e.g. "eng" for English)

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