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has gloss(noun) a person or firm in the business of transporting people or goods or messages
carrier, common carrier
has glosseng: A common carrier is a business that transports people, goods, or services and offers its services to the general public under license or authority provided by a regulatory body. The regulatory body has usually been granted “ministerial authority” by the legislation which created it. And it may create, interpret and enforce its regulations upon the common carrier (subject to judicial review) with independence and finality; as long as it acts within the bounds of the enabling legislation. A common carrier holds itself out to provide service to the general public without discrimination (to meet the needs of the regulators quasi judicial role of impartiality toward the publics interest) for the "public convenience and necessity". A common carrier must further demonstrate to the regulator that it is "fit, willing and able" to provide those services for which it is granted authority.
lexicalizationeng: carrier
lexicalizationeng: Common carriers
lexicalizationeng: common carrier
lexicalizationeng: Common-carrier
subclass of(noun) a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it; "he bought his brother's business"; "a small mom-and-pop business"; "a racially integrated business concern"
business, business organization, business organisation, concern, business concern
has subclass(noun) a commercial organization serving as a common carrier
has glossces: Dopravce je zkrácený výraz pro provozovatele, který je často rovněž vlastníkem dopravního prostředku, ať už v dopravě silniční (na pozemních komunikacích), drážní (na dráhách železničních, tramvajových, trolejbusových nebo lanových), letecké nebo vodní. Dopravcem je provozovatel dopravy osobní i nákladní, veřejné i smluvní neveřejné. Zákon o dráhách dopravce označuje termínem provozovatel drážní dopravy. Vždy se jedná o subjekt, který realizuje vlastní činnost přemístění v prostoru a čase.
lexicalizationces: dopravce
lexicalizationdeu: Transportunternehmer
lexicalizationdeu: Verkehrsträger
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has glossfra: Un transporteur dirige une entreprise commerciale spécialisée dans le transport de personnes, de marchandises, de fonds ou d'énergie. Il exerce, dans la plupart des pays une profession réglementée.
lexicalizationfra: transporteur
lexicalizationhrv: zajednički nosilac
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lexicalizationkor: 일반 운수업자
has glossswe: Transportör är en juridisk eller en fysisk person som ingår ett transportavtal med en kund för en transport av gods.
lexicalizationswe: transportör
lexicalizationtha: ผู้มีอาชีพการขนส่ง
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