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has gloss(noun) a duct that carries spermatozoa from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct
ductus deferens, vas deferens
has glosseng: The vas deferens (plural: vasa deferentia), also called ductus deferens, (Latin: "carrying-away vessel"), is part of the male anatomy of many vertebrates; they transport sperm from the epididymis in anticipation of ejaculation.
has glosseng: The vas deferens is also called the ductus deferens, (Latin: "carrying-away vessel"). It is a duct that is part of a man’s body. It is also part of the body for many male animals. There are two of these ducts. They are muscular tubes (surrounded by smooth muscle). They connect the left and right epididymis to the ejaculatory ducts in order to move sperm. Each tube is about 30 centimeters long.
lexicalizationeng: ductus deferens
lexicalizationeng: Vas Deferens
subclass of(noun) a bodily passage or tube lined with epithelial cells and conveying a secretion or other substance; "the tear duct was obstructed"; "the alimentary canal"; "poison is released through a channel in the snake's fangs"
duct, epithelial duct, channel, canal
has glossbos: Sjemenovod (lat. vas deferens) je dio muškog reproduktivnog sistema. Postoje dva sjemenovoda koji vode spermu od lijevog i desnog pasjemenika do mokraćne cijevi. Svaki sjemenovod je dug oko 30 cm (kod ljudi) i građen je od glatkomišićnog tkiva. Sjemenovodi su smješteni u funiculusu spermaticusu.
lexicalizationbos: sjemenovod
lexicalizationbul: семенни каналчета
lexicalizationcat: conducte deferent
has glossces: Chámovod (lat. ductus deferens) je tlustostěnný kanálek, který u samců savců spojuje vývod nadvarlete a močovou trubici. Při ejakulaci slouží k transportu spermií.
lexicalizationces: chámovod
Mandarin Chinese
lexicalizationcmn: shū jīng guan
lexicalizationcmn: 輸精管
lexicalizationcmn: 输精管
has glosscym: Gair Lladin yw vas deferens syn golygu pibell i gario ymaith; weithiau, fei ysgrifennir yn Gymraeg fel fas defferens. , ac fei ceir mewn corff dyn ar gwryw mewn ambell rywogaeth arall. Gwaith y bibell yw cario sberm or argaill (neur epididymis) i wain y fenyw.
lexicalizationcym: Vas deferens
lexicalizationdan: sædleder
has glossdeu: Der Samenleiter (lat. Ductus deferens, Vas deferens) verbindet bei männlichen Säugetieren, Vögeln und Reptilien den Nebenhoden mit der Harnröhre und dient der Weiterleitung der Spermien. Der Samenleiter durchzieht, vom Nebenhoden kommend, zunächst den Leistenkanal und läuft dann an der Harnblase entlang, nimmt den Ausführungsgang der Bläschendrüse (Samenblase, Vesicula seminalis) auf und mündet dann in die Harnröhre.
lexicalizationdeu: Samenleiter
lexicalizationdiv: މަނި ހޮޅި
lexicalizationdiv: ަނި ހޮޅ
has glossepo: Spermodukto (latine Ductus deferens, Vas deferens) estas maskla seksorgano de mamuloj, birdoj kaj reptilioj, kiu deiras la epididimon kaj malfermiĝas en la uretero. La spermodukto liveras spermojn, se oni kirurge fermas ĝin, oni parolas pri vazektomio.
lexicalizationepo: Spermodukto
lexicalizationest: seemnejuha
has glossfin: Siemenjohtimet ovat siittiöitä lisäkiveksistä virtsaputkeen kuljettavia johtimia, joissa siittiöitä myös varastoituu.
lexicalizationfin: Siemenjohdin
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has glossfra: Le canal déférent ou spermiducte est chez les mammifères le canal qui permet aux spermatozoïdes de sortir de chacun des testicules et de rejoindre la prostate. Il existe chez les mammifères et correspond à l'urodeum des oiseaux.
lexicalizationfra: Canal deferent
lexicalizationfra: canal déférent
lexicalizationhbs: sjemenovod
has glossheb: במערכת הרבייה הגברית, צינור הזרע הוא כל אחד מזוג צינורות שמובילים תאי זרע מעילית האשך אל השופכה בזמן פליטת זרע. לצינורות אלה דופן שרירי עבה שהתכווצויותיו מסייעות לפליטה.
lexicalizationheb: צינור הזרע
has glosshrv: Sjemenovod (lat. ductus deferens) je paran cjevasti organ, dio muškog spolnog sustava koji služi za odvodnju spermija iz pasjemenika pred ejakulaciju.
lexicalizationhrv: sjemenovod
lexicalizationhun: ondóvezető
lexicalizationhye: սերմնածորան
lexicalizationisl: sáðrás
has glossita: Il dotto deferente o vaso deferente o canale deferente è parte dellapparato genitale maschile di alcune specie, compreso luomo. In condizioni fisiologiche, ogni individuo possiede due dotti deferenti, cioè vasi muscolari (circondati da muscolatura liscia) che collegano gli epididimi destro e sinistro ai dotti eiaculatori per veicolarvi lo sperma. Ognuno di questi dotti è lungo circa 30 centimetri. Fanno parte dei cordoni spermatici.
lexicalizationita: dotto deferente
lexicalizationita: canale deferente
lexicalizationita: vaso deferente
has glossjpn: 精管(せいかん)は精巣上体に貯えられた精子を尿道まで運ぶ直径約3ミリ、長さ約40センチの細長い管である。膀胱の後ろ側で前立腺に入る部分は紡錘状に膨らんでおり、精管膨大部と呼ばれる。精管膨大部の先は射精管となって前立腺を貫き、尿道に開口する。精管には平滑筋がよく発達しており、射精直前にはぜん動運動によって精子を精管膨大部まで効率よく運搬する。
lexicalizationjpn: 精管
has glosskor: 수정관 혹은 정관은 포유류의 일부 종이 갖고 있는 수컷의 기관으로서, 사정 시 부고환에서 나오는 정자가 이동하는 관이다.
lexicalizationkor: 수정관
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has glosslat: Vas deferens (pluralis: vasa deferentia) aut ductus deferens est uter duorum partium systematis gignendi viris et masculi animalis( mammalibus, avibus et reptiliis), quod duas epidydimes ducto eiaculatorio et ergo urethrae colligat. Sectio vasis deferentis, quae dicitur vasectomia, virum sterilem facit.
lexicalizationlat: Vas deferens
lexicalizationlat: ductus deferens
lexicalizationlat: vas deferens
has glosslit: Sėklinis latakas — siauras porinis vyro lytinių organų vamzdelis, kuriuo erotinio susijaudinimo metu išmetama sėkla į šlaplę. Jo ilgis 40-60 cm, skersmuo 2-3 mm. Sienelę sudaro gleivinė, lygiųjų raumenų ir išorinis standus jungiamojo audinio dangalas. Susitraukiant jo raumenims, sėkla lytinio sujaudinimo metu juo išmetama į šlaplę.
lexicalizationlit: Sėklinis latakas
lexicalizationlit: sėklinis latakas
lexicalizationmri: ara tätea
Low German
has glossnds: De Samenleider (lat.: ductus deferens) is bi de männlichen Söögdeerten, Vagels un Reptilien de Verbinnen vun de Nevenklöten na de Harnröhr un deent to’n Wiederleiden vun de Spermien, also den Samen.
lexicalizationnds: Samenleider
has glossnld: De twee zaadleiders (ductus deferens) leiden de zaadcellen vanuit elke bijbal naar de prostaat, waar er een vocht met voedingsstoffen aan toegevoegd wordt (hierna wordt het pas sperma genoemd). Dit gebeurt pas net voor er een zaadlozing (ejaculatie) plaats gaat vinden. Het zo gevormde sperma gaat vanaf de prostaat verder door de urinebuis van de penis naar buiten.
lexicalizationnld: zaadleider
has glosspol: Nasieniowody, przewody nasienne (łac. ductus deferens) – przewody (długość 40-50 cm) wyprowadzające plemniki z gruczołów płciowych męskich – jąder. U kręgowców nasieniowody wychodzą z najądrza i mają ujście na zewnątrz, albo w cewce moczowej. Ponadto u kręgowców nasieniowody wytwarzają pewne substancje zwiększające ruchliwość plemników. U ssaków nasieniowody współtworzą powrózek nasienny.
lexicalizationpol: Nasieniowód
lexicalizationpol: nasieniowód
has glosspor: O ducto deferente ou canal deferente é um canal muscular que conduz os espermatozóides a partir do epidídimo, que é o local onde eles são armazenados após serem produzidos nos testículos. Representam uma continuação direta da acuda do epidídimo. Tamanho: ~30-40cm Divisão: Parte testicular Parte Funicular Parte Inguinal Parte Pélvica * Ampola do Ducto deferente ( une-se com o ducto excretor da vesícula seminal para formar o Ducto ejaculatório)
lexicalizationpor: ducto deferente
lexicalizationpor: canal deferente
lexicalizationron: vas deferent
lexicalizationrus: семявыносящий проток
has glossslv: Semenovod (latinsko Ductus deferens) je del moških spolnih organov. Je izvodilo obmodka in vodi navzgor skozi dimeljski kanal v malo medenico, kjer ob zadnji steni sečnega mehurja zavije navzdol skozi prostato v sečnico. Pred izlivom v sečnico se semenovodu pridruži izvodilo mehurčkaste žleze. Semenovod je dolg približno 30 cm. Stena semenovoda je iz gladkega mišičja, ki s peristaltiko usmerja spermije proti sečnici. Od testisa proti dimeljskemu kanalu ga spremljajo žile, mezgovnice in živci. Ta sveženj imenujemo semenski povezek, ki ga ovijajo še snopi skeletne mišice. Ti se pri draženju kože na notranji strani stegna skrčijo in dvignejo testis.
lexicalizationslv: semenovod
lexicalizationspa: Conducto deferente
lexicalizationspa: conducto deferente
lexicalizationspa: vaso deferente
has glossswe: Sädesledaren, ductus deferens på latin, är ett rör hos mannen som transporterar spermierna från bitestiklarna till urinröret.
lexicalizationswe: Sädesledare
lexicalizationswe: sädesledare
has glosstel: శుక్రవాహికలు (ఆంగ్లం: Vas deferens; లాటిన్: "carrying-away vessel") పురుష జననేంద్రియ వ్యవస్థలో వృషణాలలోని ఎపిడిడైమిస్ నుంచి మొదలైన పొడవైన, కండరయుత నాళాలు. ఇరువైపుల నుంచి బయలుదేరిన శుక్రవాహికలు వాంక్షణకుల్యల ద్వారా ఉదరకుహరంలోకి ప్రవేశించి, మూత్రనాళాలను చుట్టి, వెనుకకు వ్యాపించి శుక్రకోశంలోకి తెరచుకొంటాయి.
lexicalizationtel: శుక్రవాహిక
lexicalizationtha: ท่อนำอสุจิ
lexicalizationtur: vas deferans kanalı
lexicalizationtur: vas deferans
Yue Chinese
lexicalizationyue: 輸精管
lexicalizationyue: 输精管
has glosszho: 输精管是男性生殖系统中的组成部分,是一对由壁厚腔小的肌肉组成的长约30-50厘米的传送精子的管道。它是附睾管的延续,它负责将精子输送到射精管。输精管相对比较表浅,直接在阴囊及其上部即可通过皮肤直接触摸到。所以,相较於输卵管結紮术,输精管結紮术具有安全快捷的特点。
lexicalizationzho: 输精管
part of(noun) the reproductive system of males
male reproductive system
part of(noun) one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens; "she kicked him in the balls and got away"
ball, egg, testis, ballock, testicle, bollock, nut, orchis
part of(noun) the efferent duct of the testis in man
seminal duct
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