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has gloss(noun) either of two types of cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes) and sometimes including platelets
corpuscle, blood corpuscle, blood cell
has glosseng: A blood cell (also called blood corpuscle) is any cell of any type normally found in blood. In mammals, these fall into three general categories:
has glosseng: A blood cell is any cell of any type found in blood. There are three types of blood cells in animals: *Red blood cell-carries oxygen *White blood cell-kills viruses and not needed bacteria *Platelet-helps heal wounds
lexicalizationeng: Blood cells
lexicalizationeng: blood cell
lexicalizationeng: blood corpuscle
lexicalizationeng: corpuscle
subclass of(noun) any of the cells of a plant or animal except the reproductive cells; a cell that does not participate in the production of gametes; "somatic cells are produced from preexisting cells";
vegetative cell, somatic cell
has subclass(noun) blood cells that engulf and digest bacteria and fungi; an important part of the body's defense system
white blood corpuscle, white corpuscle, white cell, leucocyte, leukocyte, WBC, white blood cell
has subclass(noun) a preparation of blood cells separated from the liquid plasma; "packed cells are given to severely anemic patients in order to avoid overloading the circulatory system with too much fluid"
packed cells
has subclass(noun) a mature blood cell that contains hemoglobin to carry oxygen to the bodily tissues; a biconcave disc that has no nucleus
red blood cell, RBC, erythrocyte
has instancee/Cabot rings
has instancee/Codocyte
has instancee/Endothelial progenitor cell
has instancee/Erythrocyte aggregation
has instancee/Granulopoiesis
has instancee/Hematon
has instancee/Hematopoietic stem cell
has instancee/Hemocytoblast
has instancee/Kurloff Cells
has instancee/Leukopoiesis
has instancee/Macroovalocyte
has instancee/Microcyte
has instancee/Monocytopoiesis
has instancee/Neohemocyte
has instancee/Normoblast
has instancee/Peripheral blood cell
has instancee/Promegakaryocyte
has instancee/Promonocyte
has instancee/Respirocyte
has instancee/Rouleaux
has instancee/es/Linfocitosis
has instancee/es/Macrocitosis
has instancee/es/Monopoyesis
has instancec/fr/Hématie
has instancee/fr/Cellule lymphoïde progénitrice
has instancee/fr/Cellule myeloide progenitrice
has instancee/fr/Cellule souche hematopoietique
has instancee/id/Folikel limfatik
has instancee/pl/Komórka K
has instancec/ru/Клетки базофилопоэза
has instancec/ru/Клетки мегакариопоэза
has instancec/ru/Клетки нейтрофилопоэза
has instancec/ru/Клетки эозинофилопоэза
has instancec/ru/Клетки эритропоэза
lexicalizationara: خلايا الدم
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lexicalizationaze: qan hüceyrələri
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lexicalizationcat: Cèl·lules sanguínies
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lexicalizationces: krvinka
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Mandarin Chinese
lexicalizationcmn: xuè xì bao
lexicalizationcmn: 血細胞
lexicalizationcmn: 血细胞
lexicalizationcmn: xuè qiu
lexicalizationcmn: 血球
has glossdan: Blodlegemerne er de formede elementer der er opslæmmet i blodvæsken (plasma). Der findes røde (erytrocytter) og hvide blodlegemer (leukocytter), samt blodplader (trombocytter).
lexicalizationdan: blodlegeme
lexicalizationdeu: Blutzelle
lexicalizationdeu: Blutkörperchen
lexicalizationepo: sangoĉelo
lexicalizationepo: sangoglobeto
lexicalizationfin: Verisolut
lexicalizationfin: verisolu
has glossfra: On appelle « cellule sanguine » toute cellule (ou tout organite de quelque type que ce soit) présent normalement dans le sang. Chez les mammifères, elles appartiennent à trois catégories qui correspondent à leur fonction et à certaines caractéristiques histologiques :
lexicalizationfra: Cellule Sanguine
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has glosshbs: Krvna ćelija ili krvno zrnce je bilo koja ćelija koja se nalazi u krvi. Kod sisara, krvne ćelije se generalno dele na 3 kategorije:
lexicalizationhbs: Krvno zrnce
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has glossheb: תא דם הוא תא המרכיב את הדם. תאי דם נוצרים במוח העצם. ישנם שני סוגים של תאי דם:
lexicalizationheb: תא דם
has glosshin: रक्त कोशिका (जिसे रक्त कणिका भी कहा जाता है) रक्त मे पायी जाने वाली कोई एक कोशिका है। स्तनधारियों में इन कोशिकाओं की मुख्यतः तीन श्रेणियां होती हैं:
lexicalizationhin: रक्त कोशिका
has glosshun: A vérsejtek a vérben nagy számban keringő sejtek vagy sejt eredetű képletek. Egészséges emberben kb. a 20. magzati hónaptól kezdve egész életen át csak a vörös csontvelőben képződnek. Valamennyi vérsejt a limfohemopoetikus őssejtekből származik.
lexicalizationhun: vérsejt
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has glossind: Sel darah adalah semua sel dalam segala bentuk yang secara normal ditemukan dalam darah. Pada mamalia, sel-sel darah dibagi menjadi tiga kategori:
lexicalizationind: Sel darah
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lexicalizationisl: blóðfruma
lexicalizationisl: blóðkorn
lexicalizationita: globulo
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has glossjpn: 血球(けっきゅう)とは、血液中の細胞成分の総称である。血液細胞()とも呼ばれる。血液の35~55%を占める。
lexicalizationjpn: 血球
lexicalizationkor: 혈액 세포
lexicalizationkor: 혈구
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has glossnld: Bloed van zoogdieren bestaat voornamelijk uit bloedcellen (45%) en bloedplasma. Er bestaan verschillende soorten bloedcellen: *witte bloedcellen: leukocyten, deze worden onderverdeeld in monocyten, lymfocyten en granulocyten : Leucocyten spelen een belangrijke rol in het menselijk afweersysteem, ze beschermen het lichaam tegen infecties door onder andere bacteriën te doden, maar ook door andere ziekteverwekkers op te ruimen. Witte bloedcellen kunnen door de wand van bloedvaten naar buiten kruipen om zo overal in de lichaamsweefsels ziekteverwekkers te kunnen opruimen. Bij deze gevechten gaan vele witte bloedcellen te gronde, die meteen worden vervangen door nieuwe bloedcellen die aangemaakt worden door het beenmerg. Wanneer er teveel witte bloedcellen worden afgebroken en te weinig worden aangemaakt worden mensen veel vatbaarder voor allerlei infectieziekten zoals bijvoorbeeld longontsteking.
lexicalizationnld: bloedcel
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Norwegian Nynorsk
has glossnno: Ein blodlekam er ein av dei to komponentane i blodet, den andre er plasma. Det finst tre hovudtypar av blodlekamar, dei kjem alle frå udifferensierte celler kalla multipotente hematopoietiske stamcellar i beinmargen. Det er difor normalt umogeleg å sjå skilnad på dei ulike blodlekamene når dei er nye eller umodne.
lexicalizationnno: blodlekam
Norwegian Bokmål
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has glossnor: Blodcellene, eller blodlegemene, utgjør ca. 45 % av blodets volum og kan deles inn i tre hovedtyper; røde blodceller (erytrocytter), hvite blodceller (leukocytter) og blodplater (trombocytter).
lexicalizationnor: blodcelle
Occitan (post 1500)
lexicalizationoci: Cellula sanguina
lexicalizationoci: globilhon
has glosspol: Elementy morfotyczne krwi – upostaciowane składniki krwi, będące albo żywymi komórkami (leukocyty), wyspecjalizowanymi komórkami o ograniczonym metabolizmie (erytrocyty), bądź fragmentami komórek (trombocyty). Elementy morfotyczne krwi są wytwarzane w układzie krwiotwórczym, który obejmuje głównie szpik kostny czerwony, a także węzły chłonne, śledzionę, migdałki, grasicę. Muszą być stale wytwarzane; u człowieka długość ich życia wynosi od kilku godzin do kilku lat.
lexicalizationpol: Elementy morfotyczne krwi
lexicalizationpol: Komórki krwi
has glosspor: Célula sanguínea é a designação genérica dada a qualquer célula constituinte do sangue. São os principais constituintes dos chamados "elementos figurados". Nos mamíferos podemos considerar duas categorias principais:
lexicalizationpor: Célula sanguínea
lexicalizationpor: Células sanguíneas
lexicalizationpor: eritrócito
lexicalizationpor: glóbulo vermelho
lexicalizationpor: hemácia
lexicalizationpor: célula vermelha
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lexicalizationrus: Клетки крови
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has glossslv: Krvnička ali krvna celica je vsaka od treh vrst celic, ki se nahajajo v krvi: * rdeče krvničke ali eritrociti, katerih glavna naloga je prenos kisika, * bele krvničke ali levkociti, ki sodelujejo pri obrambi telesa pred okužbami, * krvne ploščice ali trombociti, ki sodelujejo pri strjevanju krvi.
lexicalizationslv: Krvne celice
lexicalizationslv: Krvnička
lexicalizationspa: Células de la sangre
lexicalizationspa: glóbulo
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has glosssrp: Крвна ћелија је било која ћелија која се налази у крви. Код сисара, крвне ћелије се генерално деле на 3 категорије:
lexicalizationsrp: Крвна ћелија
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has glossswe: Blodkroppar är en samlande benämning på celler i blodet. Blodkroppar delas upp i
lexicalizationswe: blodkropp
lexicalizationtha: เซลล์เม็ดเลือด
lexicalizationtha: เม็ดโลหิตแดงหรือเม็ดเลือดขาว
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lexicalizationtur: Kan hücreleri
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has glossyid: א בלוט צעל (בלוט קעמערל) איז נאר וואס א צעל וואס געפינט זיך אין בלוט. זויגערס האבן דריי ערליי בלוט צעלן: * ווייסע בלוט צעלן * רויטע בלוט צעלן * טראמבאציטן (טאצעלעך)
lexicalizationyid: בלוט צעל
has glosszho: 血细胞又稱“-血球}-”,是存在於血液中的细胞,能随血液的流动遍及全身。以哺乳動物來說,血球細胞主要含下列三個部分: *红细胞:主要的功能是運送氧。 *白细胞:主要扮演了免疫的角色。
lexicalizationzho: 血细胞
part of(noun) the fluid (red in vertebrates) that is pumped through the body by the heart and contains plasma, blood cells, and platelets; "blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and carries away waste products"; "the ancients believed that blood was the seat of the emotions"
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similare/simple/Blood cell
media:imgBlood cells 090304-F-5951M-108.jpg
media:imgBlood smear.jpg
media:imgIllu blood cell lineage.jpg
media:imgRed White Blood cells.jpg


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