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has gloss(noun) an artery that originates from the superior mesenteric artery and supplies the terminal part of the ileum and the cecum and the vermiform appendix and the ascending colon
ileocolic artery, arteria ileocolica
has glosseng: The ileocolic artery is the lowest branch arising from the concavity of the superior mesenteric artery.
lexicalizationeng: arteria ileocolica
lexicalizationeng: ileocolic artery
subclass of(noun) a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body
arteria, arterial blood vessel, artery
has glossdeu: Die Arteria ileocolica ist eine Schlagader, die das Ende des Dünndarms (terminales Ileum) und den Anfang des Dickdarms (Blinddarm und Colon ascendens) mit Blut versorgt.
lexicalizationdeu: Arteria ileocolica
has glosspor: A artéria ileocólica é o menor ramo que surge da concavidade da artéria mesentérica superior.
lexicalizationpor: Artéria ileocólica
has glossspa: La arteria ileocólica, cólica derecha inferior o ileocecoapendiculacólica (TA: arteria ileocolica) es una arteria que se origina como rama colateral de la arteria mesentérica superior.
lexicalizationspa: Arteria colica derecha inferior
lexicalizationspa: Arteria cólica derecha inferior
similare/Ileocolic artery


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