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has gloss(noun) something given as a token of victory
trophy, prize
has glosseng: A trophy is an object given to someone because of an accomplishment. These are often given out through sporting events.
has glosseng: The trophy is a reward for a specific achievement, and usually afterwards serves as proof of merit. They are most often awarded with sporting events. These range from youth sports through professional level athletics. Often, the reward of the trophy is not simply in winning it; rather, those who win it cherish the legacy that also comes with the trophy.
lexicalizationeng: prize
lexicalizationeng: trophy
subclass of(noun) a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction; "an award for bravery"
award, laurels, honor, accolade, honour
has subclass(noun) (classical mythology) a golden apple thrown into a banquet of the gods by Eris (goddess of discord--who had not been invited); the apple had `for the fairest' written on it and Hera and Athena and Aphrodite all claimed it; when Paris (prince of Troy) awarded it to Aphrodite it began a chain of events that led to the Trojan War
apple of discord
has subclass(noun) a prize given to one who finishes last in a contest
booby prize
has subclass(noun) a trophy made of bronze (or having the appearance of bronze) that is usually awarded for winning third place in a competition
bronze medal
has subclass(noun) a large metal vessel with two handles that is awarded as a trophy to the winner of a competition; "the school kept the cups is a special glass case"
cup, loving cup
has subclass(noun) a trophy made of gold (or having the appearance of gold) that is usually awarded for winning first place in a competition
gold medal
has subclass(noun) a trophy made of silver (or having the appearance of silver) that is usually awarded for winning second place in a competition
silver medal, silver
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lexicalizationcat: trofeu
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has glossces: Trofej je upomínkový předmět na určitou událost, která je nějakým způsobem výjimečná.
lexicalizationces: trofej
lexicalizationcym: gwobr
has glossdan: Trofæ er ordet for et bytte, som man kan gemme til minde om en sejr.
lexicalizationdan: trofæ
has glossdeu: Eine Trophäe (von griechisch τρόπαιον tropaion „Siegeszeichen“) ist ein Objekt, das als Zeichen des Triumphes über eine Person, eine Sache oder etwa eine Bedrohung bzw. eines Risikos dient.
lexicalizationdeu: Trophäe
lexicalizationdeu: Auszeichnung
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has glosseus: Garaikurra, lan zehatz bat egiteagatik jasotzen den ordainsaria da, eta, ohi, ondoren, lan horren froga gisa balio du. Garaikurrak, gehienbat, kirol arloan ematen dira. Garaikurrekin batera, urrezko, zilarrezko eta brontzezko dominak ere ematen dira.
lexicalizationeus: Garaikur
has glossfin: Trofee eli metsästysmuisto (kreikan sanasta tropaion) on metsästäjän muistokseen ottama saaliseläimen osa, tavallisesti sarvet, nahka (talja), pää, kallo tai hampaat. Alkuaan trofee tarkoitti voitonmerkkiä, viholliselta sotasaaliiksi saatuja lippuja, aseita ynnä muita esineitä, joita sijoitettiin temppeleihin tai muistomerkkeihin. Nykyään trofee-sanaa käytetään lähinnä metsästykseen liittyvänä ilmaisuna.
lexicalizationfin: trofee
has glossfra: Un trophée est une marque de laccomplissement dune action particulière. Généralement, le trophée est une récompense remise au vainqueur dune épreuve (notamment dans le sport). Le trophée peut également être une preuve arrachée au vaincu, que le vainqueur garde comme marque de son acte. Le trophée est remis au vainqueur (et des titres symboliques à ses seconds) lors dune cérémonie officielle par un membre éminent de la discipline ou dune instance fédérale. Lobjet du trophée peut être symbolique (une coupe ou une médaille), financier (un bon dachat, un chèque), ou un contrat (contrat dédition). La cérémonie est souvent enjolivée dun discours, dune remise de bouquet ou dune couronne, dune montée des couleurs (drapeau), de lémission dun hymne spécifique ou national. Souvent des hôtesses apportent le trophée placé sur un coussin, selon un protocole visant à reconnaître la dimension exceptionnelle de la victoire.
lexicalizationfra: Trophee
lexicalizationfra: trophée
has glossheb: גביע בתחרויות ספורט הוא הפרס שמקבלים היחיד או הקבוצה שזכו בתחרות. אף שהחפץ עצמו, שצורתו על פי רוב היא של כוס גדולה ולעתים צלחת או מדליה, עשוי במקרים רבים ממתכת יקרה ובעל ערך בזכות עצמו, הרי שהכבוד שבזכייה בתחרות יוקרתית, כמו גם הפרס הכספי הנלווה אליו בספורט מקצועני, עולה בדרך כלל על ערך הגביע עצמו.
lexicalizationheb: גביע
has glosshye: Գավաթը մրցանակ է, առավելապես` ունկավոր անոթի տեսքով։ Տրվում է մրցումների հաղթողին, որը կոչվում է գավաթակիր։
lexicalizationhye: գավաթ
has glossido: Trofeo esas : * (epoki antiqua) asemblajo ek la spoliuro, la raptajo de enemiko vinkita, quin onu suspend.is a la trunko di arboro, kun monumento pri sua vinko. * (nun-epoke) grupo de armi, de standardi, asalte konquestita de l'enemiko, quan onu suspendas kom memorigivo pri sua vinko.
lexicalizationido: Trofeo
has glossind: Piala atau trofi ialah benda yang diberikan pada seseorang karena suatu pencapaian tertentu. Piala sering diberikan pada even olahraga.
lexicalizationind: Piala
has glossita: Il trofeo è un premio che viene assegnato o dedicato per un particolare merito. Nella sua accezione originaria, indicava la pratica dei guerrieri di rientrare in patria con le armi e le spoglie del nemico in seguito alla vittoria. Quest'accezione ha poi indicato il monumento che veniva realizzato su un campo di battaglia in commemorazione della vittoria. In alcuni popoli, il trofeo era rappresentato invece dalle spoglie della selvaggina, esposte per propiziare la caccia.
lexicalizationita: trofeo
lexicalizationita: premio
has glossjpn: トロフィー()は、主にスポーツの試合や競技会において優勝者に授与される優勝カップ・優勝楯・像などの総称である。元々は戦利品を意味し、勝利の女神に祝福された勝者を称える儀式的な意味合いがある。
lexicalizationjpn: トロフィー
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has glossnld: Een trofee, ook "trophee" gespeld, is een zegeteken van buitgemaakte wapens. Het woord is via het Latijnse tropaeum afgeleid van het Griekse tropaion (τρο̉παιον), dat samenhangt met het Griekse werkwoord trepein (τρε̉πω), dat ‘doen keren’ betekent. Een trofee werd oorspronkelijk opgericht op de plaats waar de vijand op de vlucht sloeg. De helmen, speren, kurassen en zwaarden werden na een gewonnen slag op boomstronken of een paal gezet of daaromheen geschikt. Later werden ze ook van aarde en steen gemaakt als permanente zegetekens. Trofeeën vonden al snel hun plek op Griekse munten en in het decoratieschema van overwinningsmonumenten en andere gebouwen. Ook monumenten zoals Augustus' trofee van de Alpen en het Tropaeum Traiani in Adamclisi (Roemenië) werden trofeeën genoemd.
lexicalizationnld: trofee
Iranian Persian
lexicalizationpes: جام
has glosspor: Um troféu é uma recompensa por uma tarefa específica, que serve posteriormente como prova desta ação. Os troféus são entregues com mais freqüência em eventos esportivos.
lexicalizationpor: troféu
lexicalizationpor: prémio
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lexicalizationspa: trofeo
Spanish Sign Language
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has glossswe: En pokal är en slags trofé som man oftast får genom att vinna en tävling.
lexicalizationswe: pokal
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has glosszho: 戰利品(Trophy),是相對於一些成就的回報或紀念,通常事後拿到,以作為成功的證明,通常在體育運動中出現。古代獵人把動物殺死後留有獸皮或獸頭,也是戰利品的一種。
lexicalizationzho: 戰利品
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media:imgCampidoglio, Roma - trofei (dx) fronte.jpg
media:imgChampions League pokal.JPG
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media:imgRechtsridder in de Souvereine Militaire Orde van Sint Jan van Jeruzalem en Malta.JPG
media:imgSpain Alhambra Palace of Charles V exterior bas-relief.jpg


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