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has gloss(noun) a window with (usually two) sashes that slide vertically to let in air
sash window
has glosseng: A sash window or hung sash window is made of one or more movable panels or "sashes" that form a frame to hold panes of glass which are often separated from other panes (or "lights") by narrow muntin bars. Although any window with this style of glazing is technically "a sash", the term is used almost exclusively to refer to windows where the glazed panels are opened by sliding vertically, or horizontally in a style known as a "Yorkshire light", sliding sash or sash and case (so called because the weights are concealed in a box case). The sash window appears in Vermeer's painting The Milkmaid which dates to 1658. The design of the sash window is attributed to the English scientist and inventor, Robert Hooke . The oldest known examples of sash windows were installed in England in the 1670s, for example at Ham House, London .
lexicalizationeng: sash window
subclass of(noun) a framework of wood or metal that contains a glass windowpane and is built into a wall or roof to admit light or air
lexicalizationces: posouvací okno
lexicalizationces: vysouvací okno
has glosscym: Mae ffenestr ddalennog wedi ei gyfansoddi o un, neu fwy, o baneli symudol, neu "ddalenni" syn ffurfio ffram i ddal cwarelau o wydr, sydd yn aml wedi eu gwahanu oddiwrth gwarelau eraill (neu "oleuadau") gan fariau cul mwntin. Er fod unrhyw ffenestr or steil hyn o wydro yn dechnegol yn ffenestr ddalennog, defnyddir yn term yn anghynhwysol bron, i gyfeirio at ffenestri lle maer ddalen yn cael ei agor drwy lithror panel yn fertigol, neu yn llorweddol mewn steil ai adnabyddir fel Yorkshire light neu dalen llithro. Mae ffenestri ddalenog yn gyffredin yn Ewrop ac yng nghyn-drefdigaethiau megis yr Unol Daleithiau a nifer o wledydd syn datblygu. Dywedir mair dyfeisiwr ar gwyddonwr Seisnig, Robert Hooke, a gynlluniodd y ffenestr ddalenog.
lexicalizationcym: ffenestr ddalennog
lexicalizationdeu: Schiebefenster
lexicalizationdeu: Aufziehfenster
has glossfra: Une fenêtre est dite à guillotine quand son châssis est conçu pour glisser verticalement entre deux rainures et être maintenu en hauteur, par des tourniquets ou des taquets.
lexicalizationfra: Fenetre a guillotine
lexicalizationfra: Fenêtre À Guillotine
lexicalizationita: finestra scorrevole
has glosskor: 새시(sash)는 금속제로 된 창틀이다. 종류로는 강철 새시, 플라스틱 새시, 금속 새시, 알루미늄 새시 등이 있다.
lexicalizationkor: 새시
Malay (macrolanguage)
has glossmsa: Sebuah tingkap sash atau tingkap sash bergantung diperbuat dari satu atau lebih panel beralihan atau "sashes" yang membentuk suatu bingkai untuk memegang pane kaca yang sering dipisahkan dari pane lain (atau "cahaya") oleh muntin bars yang sempit. Walaupun apa-apa tingkap dengan jenis glazing ini adalah secara teknikal "sebuah sash", istilah digunakan hampir secara eksklusif untuk merujukkan pada tingkap-tingkap di mana panel glazed dibuka dengan membuka secara vertikal, atau horinzontal dalam suatu kenis digelar sebagai suatu Yorkshire atau sliding sash. Tingkap sash adalah umum di Eropah dan di bekas tanah jajahan termasuk Amerika Syarikat dan beberapa negara membangun. Reka bentuk tingkap sash diattributed pada ahli sains dan pereka Inggeris, Robert Hooke
lexicalizationmsa: tingkap sash
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