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has gloss(noun) the act of delivering a writ or summons upon someone; "he accepted service of the subpoena"
serving, service of process, service
has glosseng: Service of process is the procedure employed to give legal notice to a person (such as a defendant) of a court or administrative body's exercise of its jurisdiction over that person so as to enable that person to respond to the proceeding before the court, body or other tribunal. Usually, notice is furnished by delivering a set of court documents (called "process") to the person to be served.
lexicalizationeng: service of process
lexicalizationeng: service
lexicalizationeng: serving
subclass of(noun) the act of delivering or distributing something (as goods or mail); "his reluctant delivery of bad news"
bringing, delivery
has glossdeu: Der Begriff Zustellung bezeichnet im deutschen Recht die Bekanntgabe eines Schriftstückes an einen bestimmten Adressaten in einer bestimmten, gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Form.
lexicalizationdeu: Zustellung
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has glossjpn: 送達(そうたつ、service)とは、裁判所が正式に裁判の関係者に対して、訴訟に関する書類を送付することをいう。 ただし、法律用語としてのみ使われるわけではなく、法律用語として使用されない場合、単にものを送り届ける事をいう。 本項では、法律用語としての送達について解説する。
lexicalizationjpn: 送達
has glosskor: 소장의 송달(호출장의 송달, Service of Process)는 미국 민사소송법의 절차로 소 제기후 피고에게 소송사실을 고지하는 일련의 절차를 말한다.
lexicalizationkor: 소장의 송달
has glosspor: Citação, para o Direito, consiste no ato processual no qual a parte ré é comunicada de que se lhe está sendo movido um processo e a partir da qual a relação triangular deste se fecha, com as três partes envolvidas no litígio devidamente ligadas: autor, réu e juiz; ou autor interessados e juiz.
lexicalizationpor: citação
lexicalizationspa: diligencia de emplazamiento
has glossswe: Delgivning, juridiskt begrepp som innebär att ett dokument eller information om ett beslut lämnas till en person. Det vanligaste är att ett dokument skickas eller lämnas till den som skall delges, men om det som skall delges är av liten omfattning kan delgivningen i vissa fall göras muntligt, till exempel på telefon.
lexicalizationswe: delgivning
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