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has gloss(noun) tree shrews; in some classifications tree shrews are considered prosimian primates
family Tupaiidae, Tupaiidae
has glosseng: Tupaiidae is one of two families of treeshrews, the other family being Ptilocercidae, which contains 4 genera and 19 species.
lexicalizationeng: family Tupaiidae
lexicalizationeng: Tupaiidae
subclass of(noun) a family of mammals
mammal family
has glosskor: 투파이아과 또는 투파이과는 나무두더지목의 2개 과 중 하나로, 4개 속에 19종을 포함하고 있다.
lexicalizationkor: 투파이아과
has member(noun) the type genus of the Tupaia: chief genus of tree shrews
Tupaia, genus Tupaia
has member(noun) insectivorous arboreal mammal of southeast Asia that resembles a squirrel with large eyes and long sharp snout
tree shrew
has member(noun) pentails
genus Ptilocercus, Ptilocercus
member of(noun) a small order comprising only the tree shrews: in some classifications tree shrews are considered either primates (and included in the suborder Prosimii) or true insectivores (and included in the order Insectivora)
Scandentia, order Scandentia


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