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has gloss(noun) dog trained to assist the deaf by signaling the occurrence of certain sounds
hearing dog
has glosseng: A hearing dog is a special type of assistance dog, who has been selected and trained to help people who are deaf or have hearing problems. The dogs tell their handler when they hear important sounds, such as doorbells, smoke alarms, telephones, or alarm clocks. They may also work outside the home, responding to sounds like sirens, forklifts and a person calling the handler's name.
has glosseng: A hearing dog is a specific type of assistance dog specifically selected and trained to assist people who are deaf or hearing impaired by alerting their handler to important sounds, such as doorbells, smoke alarms, ringing telephones, or alarm clocks. They may also work outside the home, alerting to such sounds such as sirens, forklifts and a person calling the handler's name.
lexicalizationeng: Hearing dogs
lexicalizationeng: hearing dog
subclass of(noun) any of several breeds of usually large powerful dogs bred to work as draft animals and guard and guide dogs
working dog
has glossdeu: Ein Gehörlosenhund unterstützt seinen gehörlosen oder schwerhörigen Besitzer im Alltag, indem er ihn auf wichtige Geräusche aufmerksam macht. Der Hund zeigt zum Beispiel das Klingeln des Telefons, der Haustürschelle oder des Weckers an. Ein Gehörlosenhund wird deshalb oft auch Signalhund genannt. Der Hund weist auf das Geräusch hin, indem er die Aufmerksamkeit seines Besitzers zum Beispiel durch Anstupsen auf sich lenkt und seinen Besitzer dann zu der Geräuschquelle führt.
lexicalizationdeu: Gehörlosenhund
lexicalizationfin: kuulokoira
has glossjpn: 聴導犬(ちょうどうけん)とは、聴覚障害者の生活を安全で安心できるものにするために、生活で必要な音をタッチして教え、音源に導く補助犬のこと。
lexicalizationjpn: 聴導犬
has glossnld: Signaalhonden zijn een categorie assistentiehonden die speciaal zijn geselecteerd en getraind om dove en slechthorende mensen te assisteren. Signaalhonden worden meestal binnen een tot anderhalf jaar getraind. Hiervoor worden veel bordercollies gebruikt, maar ook de Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever, het kooikerhondje en andere rassen.
lexicalizationnld: signaalhond
has glosspor: Cão-ouvinte é um tipo específico de cão, para assistência, especificamente seleccionado e treinado para ajudar os surdos, ou deficientes auditivos, alertando o seu manipulador de sons importantes, tais como campainhas, alarmes de incêndio, toque de telefones, ou alarme de relógio. Eles também podem trabalhar fora de casa, alertando para sons tais como a sirenes, empilhadores, aproximação de pessoas por trás do surdo, e o chamamento do nome do manipulador.
lexicalizationpor: Cão ouvinte
lexicalizationpor: cão-ouvinte
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