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has gloss(noun) shrimpfishes
Centriscidae, family Centriscidae
has glosseng: Centriscidae is the family of snipefishes, shrimpfishes, and bellowfishes. A small family, consisting of only about a dozen marine species, they are of an unusual appearance, as reflected by the common names. The members of the genera Aeoliscus and Centriscus are restricted to relatively shallow, tropical parts of the Indo-Pacific, while the remaining species mainly are found in deeper parts of tropical, subtropical or southern oceans.
lexicalizationeng: Centriscidae
lexicalizationeng: family Centriscidae
subclass of(noun) any of various families of fish
fish family
has glossdeu: Die Familie der Schnepfenfische (Macroramphosidae) gehört zu den Seenadelartigen (Syngnathoidei). Sie werden im Deutschen auch Blasebalgfische genannt.
lexicalizationdeu: Schnepfenfische
lexicalizationfas: میگوماهیان
has glossfra: La famille des Centriscidés (ou Centriscidae) comprend 5 espèces de poissons canif et de poissons crevette .
lexicalizationfra: Centriscidae
has glossita: I Centriscidi sono una famiglia di pesci dacqua salata dellordine dei Syngnathiformes.
lexicalizationita: Centriscidae
has glosslit: Kreivauodeginės (, , ) – adatžuvių (Syngnathiformes) šeima. Paplitusios Indijos ir Ramiajame vandenynuose. Dydis – iki 15 cm.
lexicalizationlit: Kreivauodeginės
lexicalizationnld: Snipmesvis
has glosspol: Brzytewkowate (Centriscidae) – rodzina ryb promieniopłetwych z rzędu igliczniokształtnych (Syngnathiformes).
lexicalizationpol: Brzytewkowate
has glossspa: Los Centriscidae son una familia de peces marinos incluida en el orden Syngnathiformes, distribuidos fundamentalmente por los océanos Índico, Pacífico y Atlántico . Aparecen por primera vez en el registro fósil en el Eoceno inferior, durante el Terciario inferior.
lexicalizationspa: Centriscidae
has glosszho: 鷸嘴魚科為輻鰭魚綱棘背魚目的其中一科。 分類 鷸嘴魚科其下僅有一屬: *長吻魚屬(Macroramphosus) **長刺長吻魚(Macroramphosus elevatus) **細長吻魚(Macroramphosus gracilis) **日本長吻魚(Macroramphosus japonicus) **鷸嘴魚(Macroramphosus scolopax):又稱長吻魚、鷺管魚。
lexicalizationzho: 鷸嘴魚科
has member(noun) slender tropical shallow-water East Indian fish covered with transparent plates
shrimp-fish, shrimpfish
member of(noun) bellows fishes; shrimpfishes; cornetfishes; pipefishes; small order of chiefly tropical marine fishes of varied and bizarre form all having a small mouth at the end of a drawn-out tubular snout
order Solenichthyes, Solenichthyes
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media:imgAeoliscus strigatus 1.jpg
media:imgAeoliscus strigatus 2.jpg
media:imgAestr u0.gif
media:imgCentriscops humerosus (Banded Bellowsfish).gif
media:imgMacroramphosus gracilis (Slender snipefish).gif
media:imgMacroramphosus scolopax (Longspine snipefish).gif
media:imgMacroramphosus scolopax.jpg


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