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has gloss(noun) the order of animals
animal order
lexicalizationeng: animal order
subclass of(noun) (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more families
Note: 214 other subclass(es) ommited in the following list
has subclass(noun) pond scums; desmids
Zygnemales, Zygnematales, order Zygnematales, order Zygnemales
has subclass(noun) in some classifications considered a phylum of the kingdom Protista; in others included in the plant phylum Pyrrophyta
Dinoflagellata, Cilioflagellata, order Cilioflagellata, order Dinoflagellata
has subclass(noun) small usually parasitic flagellates
Polymastigina, order Polymastigina
has subclass(noun) imperfectly known parasites of the muscles of vertebrates
Sarcosporidia, order Sarcosporidia
has subclass(noun) an order of animals including almost entirely freshwater fishes: characins; loaches; carp; suckers; sometimes classified as a suborder of Ostariophysi
Cypriniformes, order Cypriniformes
has subclass(noun) lampreys as distinguished from hagfishes
Petromyzoniformes, Hyperoartia, suborder Petromyzoniformes, suborder Hyperoartia
has subclass(noun) hagfishes as distinguished from lampreys
Hyperotreta, suborder Hyperotreta, Myxinoidea, suborder Myxinoidei, Myxiniformes, suborder Myxiniformes, Myxinoidei
has subclass(noun) a ratite bird order: cassowaries and emus
order Casuariiformes, Casuariiformes
has subclass(noun) a ratite bird order: birds intermediate in characteristics between ostriches and emus: recent and extinct rheas
order Rheiformes, Rheiformes
has subclass(noun) two names for the suborder of typical songbirds
Passeres, suborder Passeres, suborder Oscines, Oscines
has subclass(noun) lyrebirds and scrubbirds
Menurae, suborder Menurae
has subclass(noun) owls
order Strigiformes, Strigiformes
has subclass(noun) former name for the order Crocodylia
Loricata, order Loricata
has subclass(noun) armored dinosaurs: stegosaurs and ankylosaurs
suborder Thyreophora, Thyreophora, thyreophoran
has subclass(noun) includes boneheaded (pachycephalosaurs) and horned (ceratopsian) dinosaurs
marginocephalian, suborder Marginocephalia, Marginocephalia
has subclass(noun) spiders
order Araneae, order Araneida, Araneida, Araneae
has subclass(noun) mites and ticks
order Acarina, Acarina
has subclass(noun) goatsuckers; frogmouths; oilbirds
order Caprimulgiformes, Caprimulgiformes
has subclass(noun) marine colonial hydrozoans
order Siphonophora, Siphonophora
has subclass(noun) ctenophore having short tentacles; one family
Cestida, order Cestida
has subclass(noun) comprising numerous marine gastropod mollusks lacking a shell in the adult state and usually having a body like a slug
order Nudibranchia, Nudibranchia
has subclass(noun) mantis shrimps
Stomatopoda, order Stomatopoda
has subclass(noun) shorebirds: plovers; sandpipers; avocets; phalaropes; coursers; stone curlews
suborder Charadrii, Charadrii
has subclass(noun) gulls; terns; jaegers; skimmers
suborder Lari, Lari
has subclass(noun) pelicans; frigate birds; gannets; cormorants
Pelecaniformes, order Pelecaniformes
has subclass(noun) an order of Eutheria
order Cetacea, Cetacea
has subclass(noun) baleen whales: right whales; rorquals; blue whales; humpbacks
suborder Mysticeti, Mysticeti
has subclass(noun) cats; lions; tigers; panthers; dogs; wolves; jackals; bears; raccoons; skunks; and members of the suborder Pinnipedia
order Carnivora, Carnivora
has subclass(noun) seals; sea lions; walruses
suborder Pinnipedia, Pinnipedia
has subclass(noun) an order of Eutheria
order Tubulidentata, Tubulidentata
has subclass(noun) an order of insect identified in 2002 in a 45 million year old piece of amber from the Baltic region
Mantophasmatodea, order mantophasmatodea
has subclass(noun) cockroaches; in some classifications considered an order
Blattodea, Blattaria, suborder Blattaria, suborder Blattodea
has subclass(noun) plant lice (aphids); whiteflies; cicadas; leafhoppers; plant hoppers; scale insects and mealybugs; spittle insects
Homoptera, suborder Homoptera
has subclass(noun) rabbits; hares; pikas; formerly considered the suborder Duplicidentata of the order Rodentia
Lagomorpha, order Lagomorpha
has subclass(noun) small gnawing animals: porcupines; rats; mice; squirrels; marmots; beavers; gophers; voles; hamsters; guinea pigs; agoutis
order Rodentia, Rodentia
has subclass(noun) an order of fish belonging to the superorder Malacopterygii including catfishes
order Siluriformes, Siluriformes
has subclass(noun) teleost fish with bony tongues
Osteoglossiformes, Order Osteoglossiformes
has subclass(noun) in some classifications nearly or exactly equivalent to the Perciformes which are considered a suborder
suborder Percoidea, Percoidea
has subclass(noun) small order of fishes comprising the remoras
Discocephali, order Discocephali
has subclass(noun) flatfishes: halibut; sole; flounder; plaice; turbot; tonguefishes
order Pleuronectiformes, Heterosomata, order Heterosomata
member of(noun) taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct animals
animal kingdom, Animalia, kingdom Animalia


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