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has gloss(noun) large greyish-brown edible fungus forming a mass of overlapping caps that somewhat resembles a hen at the base of trees
Polyporus frondosus, hen-of-the-woods, hen of the woods, Grifola frondosa
has glosseng: Grifola frondosa is a polypore mushroom that grows in clusters at the base of trees, particularly oaks. The mushroom is commonly known among English speakers as Hen of the Woods, Rams Head and Sheeps Head. In the United States' supplement market, as well as in Asian grocery stores, the mushroom is known by its Japanese name "Maitake", which means "dancing mushroom". G. frondosa should not be confused with Laetiporus sulphureus, another edible bracket fungus that is commonly called chicken of the woods or "sulphur shelf".
lexicalizationeng: Grifola frondosa
lexicalizationeng: hen of the woods
lexicalizationeng: hen-of-the-woods
lexicalizationeng: Polyporus frondosus
subclass of(noun) an organism of the kingdom Fungi lacking chlorophyll and feeding on organic matter; ranging from unicellular or multicellular organisms to spore-bearing syncytia
lexicalizationbel: Грыфала мнагашапкавая
has glosscat: La gírgola de castanyer (Grifola frondosa) es fa sovint pel Montseny, on és collida i apreciada per la gent de muntanya.
lexicalizationcat: gírgola de castanyer
has glossdeu: Der Klapperschwamm (Grifola frondosa), auch bekannt als Laubporling und unter seinem japanischen Namen Maitake (, dt. „Tanzpilz“), ist ein Pilz aus der Familie der Riesenporlingsartigen (Meripilaceae). Er wird besonders in Japan als Speisepilz geschätzt und findet Verwendung in der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin. Der Klapperschwamm ist der einzige Vertreter der monotypischen Gattung Grifola.
lexicalizationdeu: Klapperschwamm
has glossfra: Le Grifola est un champignon aussi appelé polypore en touffes ou poule des bois. Blanc ou brun, il ressemble à un corail.
lexicalizationfra: Grifola frondosa
has glossita: Grifola frondosa (Dicks.) Gray, A Natural Arrangement of British Plants (London) 1: 643 (1821)
lexicalizationita: Grifola frondosa
has glossjpn: マイタケ(舞茸、英:Hen of the Woods)は、担子菌門サルノコシカケ科のキノコ。学名はGrifola frondosa (Dicks. ex Fr.) S. F. Gray。食用として馴染み深いキノコである。中国語名は「灰樹花」。
lexicalizationjpn: マイタケ
has glossnld: De eikhaas (Grifola frondosa) is een houtzwam uit de familie Meripilaceae.
lexicalizationnld: eikhaas
has glosspol: Żagwica listkowata, maitake (Grifola frondosa (Dicks.:Fr.) S.F.Gray.) – grzyb pasożytniczy z rodziny żagwiowatych.
lexicalizationpol: Żagwica listkowata
has glosspor: O maitake (Grifola frondosa) é um cogumelo comestível originário do Japão, onde a sua comercialização cresce a cada ano e hoje está entre os de maior consumo juntamente com o shiitake.
lexicalizationpor: Maitake
has glossrus: Грифола курчавая, или Гриб-баран — гриб из рода Грифола семейства Мерипиловые.
lexicalizationrus: Грифола курчавая
has glosszho: 灰樹花(学名:),又名贝叶多孔菌、云蕈、栗子蘑、栗蘑、千佛菌、莲花菌、甜瓜板、奇果菌、叶奇果菌,日本《今昔物語集》中记载野生灰树花有轻微毒性,使用后毒性发作时人会手舞足蹈,故日文中称灰树花为舞茸,是一种产于北美和日本东北部的食用菌。它的顶端类似于波纹而没有菌伞,通常集簇长在橡树的根部,看起来像一群飞舞的蝴蝶。灰樹花最重可达到20千克,因此有“蘑菇之王”之称。
lexicalizationzho: 灰樹花
member of(noun) type genus of the Polyporaceae; includes important pathogens of e.g. birches and conifers
Polyporus, genus Polyporus
similare/Grifola frondosa
media:imgColoured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms - t. 87.png
media:imgWhite Grifola frondosa.jpg


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