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has gloss(noun) a family of succulent ferns of order Ophioglossales; cosmopolitan in distribution
family Ophioglossaceae, Ophioglossaceae
has glosseng: Ophioglossaceae, the Adders tongue family, is a family of ferns, currently thought to be most closely related to Psilotaceae, the two together comprising the class Psilotopsida as the sibling group to the rest of the ferns. The number of genera included in the family varies between different authors treatments, and most conservatively the family is treated as containing four genera, Ophioglossum, Botrychium, Helminthostachys, and Mankyua (placed in two to four separate families in other treatments). A broad definition of the family and its genera have been taken in several recent treatments (e.g., Wagner 1990, Smith et al. 2006, and in the Flora of North America). A notable exception is the classification of Kato (1987), who advocated the division of Botrychium into four genera: Botrychium s.s., Sceptridium, Japanobotrychium, and Botrypus.
lexicalizationeng: family Ophioglossaceae
lexicalizationeng: Ophioglossaceae
subclass of(noun) families of ferns and fern allies
fern family
has glosscat: Ofioglossàcia , Ofioglossàcies o Ophioglossaceae , és una família de falgueres relacionada estretament amb la família Psilotaceae, les dues famílies juntes comprenen la classe Psilotopsida segons el clade |sistema cladístic amb la resta de les falgueres.
lexicalizationcat: Ofioglossàcia
has glossdan: Slangetunge-familien (Ophioglossaceae) er en gruppe af bregner der afviger en del fra de fleste andre bregner. Taksonomisk henregnes de som regel til bregnerne , men familiens taksonomiske tilhørsforhold er dog omdiskuteret og nogen opfatter den som beslægtet med Psilotum eller med Brasenføde.
lexicalizationdan: Slangetunge-familien
lexicalizationdan: Slangetungefamilien
has glossdeu: Die Natternzungengewächse (Ophioglossaceae) sind eine Familie der Farne. Sie umfassen insgesamt ca. 80 stets isospore Arten.
lexicalizationdeu: Natternzungengewächse
has glossfas: مارزبانیان نام یکی از تیره‌ها از سرخس‌ها است.
lexicalizationfas: مارزبانیان
has glossfra: La famille des Ophioglossaceae regroupe quelques espèces de fougères.
lexicalizationfra: Ophioglossaceae
has glossheb: אופולוסידים (שם מדעי: Ophioglossopsida) היא מחלקה של שרכנים שהם צמחים וסקולריים חסרי זרע הכוללת את סדרה אחת - סדרת האופולוסים (Ophioglossales) ובה משפחה אחת - אופלוסיים (Ophioglossaceae).
lexicalizationheb: אופולוסידים
has glossind: Ophioglossaceae merupakan salah satu suku anggota tumbuhan paku (Pteridophyta). Suku ini menghimpun 3 genera dan merupakan satu-satunya anggota bangsa Ophioglossales.
lexicalizationind: Ophioglossaceae
lexicalizationjpn: ハナヤスリ科
has glosskor: 나도고사리삼과는 양치식물의 나도고사리삼목에 속하는 유일한 과이다. 현재 솔잎란과(Psilotaceae)와 가장 밀접한 관련이 있는 것으로 간주되고 있으며, 양치식물 중에서 솔잎란강(Psilotopsida)을 구성하는 자매 식물 그룹이다.
lexicalizationkor: 나도고사리삼과
has glosslit: Driežlieliniai – driežlielainių (Ophioglossopsida) klasės driežlieliečių (Ophioglossales) eilės augalų šeima.
lexicalizationlit: Driežlieliniai
has glossnld: De addertongfamilie (Ophioglossaceae) is een familie van varens, met in Nederland twee à drie vertegenwoordigers: de gewone addertong (Ophioglossum vulgatum) en de gelobde maanvaren (Botrychium lunaria), en mogelijk de Azorenaddertong (Ophioglossum azoricum).
lexicalizationnld: addertongfamilie
has glosspol: Nasięźrzałowce (Ophioglossales) – monotypowy rząd roślin dawniej włączany do sztucznej grupy paprotników, we współczesnych systemach filogenetycznych jest jednym z dwóch rzędów psylotowych, stanowiących najstarszą żyjącą linię rozwojową w obrębie Monilophyta .
lexicalizationpol: Nasięźrzałowate
lexicalizationpol: Nasięźrzałowce
has glossrus: Ужо́вниковые  — семейство равноспоровых папоротников одноимённого порядка , древняя примитивная группа растений, потомки палеозойских папоротников .
lexicalizationrus: Ужовниковые
lexicalizationspa: Ophioglossaceae
lexicalizationswe: Ophioglossaceae
has glosszho: 瓶爾小草科(学名:)是一種蕨類。有著由孢子囊形成的短壽型孢子,誕生於和葉片分開的葉柄上;以及肥大的根。許多物種一年只會長成一片蕨葉。而有少數的物種只有能生育的穗,而非一般所謂的葉片。瓶爾小草目的配子體是在地底下的。其胞子不會在陽光之下生長,且配子體可以在不形成胞子體的狀態下存活兩個世紀之久。莖短直立狀、肉質;葉片通常亦為肉質狀,幼葉不卷旋,胞子囊枝以一定的角度著生於營養葉上。絕大多數為地生型,少數著生於樹幹,或為濕地植物。分布世界各地,但不常見,全世界僅有3屬80種。
lexicalizationzho: 瓶爾小草科
has member(noun) the type genus of the fern family Ophioglossaceae
Ophioglossum, genus Ophioglossum
has member(noun) grape fern; moonwort
Botrychium, genus Botrychium
has member(noun) one species: terrestrial fern of southeastern Asia and Australia
Helminthostachys, genus Helminthostachys
member of(noun) coextensive with the family Ophioglossaceae
Ophioglossales, order Ophioglossales
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media:imgBotrychium lunaria.jpeg
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media:imgPteridophyta alternancia-de-generaciones.gif
media:imgStarr 040713-0097 Ophioderma pendulum subsp. falcatum.jpg


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