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has gloss(noun) genus of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed
liliopsid genus, monocot genus
lexicalizationeng: liliopsid genus
lexicalizationeng: monocot genus
subclass of(noun) (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species
Note: 193 other subclass(es) ommited in the following list
has subclass(noun) genus of monocotyledonous plants comprising mostly herbs having usually petaloid sepals and petals and compound pistils
liliid monocot genus
has subclass(noun) small genus of tropical South American tuberous perennials with large variously colored leaves
genus Caladium
has subclass(noun) skunk cabbage
Lysichitum, genus Lysichiton, genus Lysichitum, Lysichiton
has subclass(noun) small genus of North American marsh or aquatic herbs
genus Peltandra, Peltandra
has subclass(noun) epiphytic or terrestrial climbing shrubs of Central and South America; used as ornamental houseplants for their velvety foliage
genus Syngonium, Syngonium
has subclass(noun) minute aquatic herbs floating on or below the water surface of still water consisting of a leaflike frond or plant body and single root
Lemna, genus Lemna
has subclass(noun) small genus of chiefly east Asiatic hardy terrestrial orchids similar to genus Bletia
Bletilla, genus Bletilla
has subclass(noun) terrestrial orchids of Australia to New Caledonia
genus Caladenia
has subclass(noun) large and highly valued genus of beautiful tropical American epiphytic or lithophytic orchids; the typical orchids; known in many varieties
genus Cattleya
has subclass(noun) genus of leafless root-parasitic orchids having small purplish or yellowish racemose flowers with lobed lips; widely distributed in temperate regions
genus Corallorhiza, Corallorhiza
has subclass(noun) large genus and variable genus of chiefly epiphytic or lithophytic orchids of tropical and subtropical Asia and Australasia
genus Dendrobium
has subclass(noun) genus of small orchids of the northern hemisphere with creeping rhizomes and stalked ovate leaves and small flowers
Goodyera, genus Goodyera
has subclass(noun) small genus of large epiphytic or terrestrial orchids of southeastern Asia to Polynesia; the giants of the Orchidaceae having long narrow leaves and drooping flower clusters often 6 feet long
Grammatophyllum, genus Grammatophyllum
has subclass(noun) small genus of terrestrial orchids of North America and temperate Eurasia
genus Gymnadenia, Gymnadenia
has subclass(noun) large genus of mostly epiphytic or lithophytic Central and South American orchids of various sizes
genus Laelia
has subclass(noun) large genus of showy epiphytic or lithophytic or terrestrial orchids of tropical and subtropical America
genus Oncidium
has subclass(noun) small genus of Australian orchids
Plectorrhiza, genus Plectorrhiza
has subclass(noun) genus of epiphytic orchids of tropical Asia
Rhyncostylis, genus Rhyncostylis
has subclass(noun) comprises some tropical American species usually placed in genus Masdevallia: diminutive plants with small flowers carried on one scape
genus Scaphosepalum, Scaphosepalum
has subclass(noun) tall ornamental grasses of South America and New Zealand and New Guinea: pampas grass
genus Cortaderia, Cortaderia
has subclass(noun) a monocotyledonous genus of the family Gramineae
Dactyloctenium, genus Dactyloctenium
has subclass(noun) annual or perennial succulent grasses of warm regions
genus Echinochloa, Echinochloa
has subclass(noun) annual or perennial grasses of warm regions: bristlegrasses
genus Setaria, Setaria
has subclass(noun) lawn grasses
genus Stenotaphrum, Stenotaphrum
has subclass(noun) annual cereal grasses from Mediterranean area; widely cultivated in temperate regions
Triticum, genus Triticum
has subclass(noun) rhizomatous perennial grasslike herbs
genus Scirpus, Scirpus
has subclass(noun) type genus of family Haemodoraceae
genus Haemodorum, Haemodorum
has subclass(noun) herbs of tropical America
genus Maranta
has subclass(noun) Old World tropical herbs: Abyssinian bananas
Ensete, genus Ensete
has subclass(noun) woody tropical plants with tall trunks; sometimes placed in family Musaceae
genus Ravenala
has subclass(noun) wax palms
Ceroxylon, genus Ceroxylon
has subclass(noun) coconut palms
genus Cocos, Cocos
has subclass(noun) feather palm of tropical Africa and Madagascar and Central and South America widely grown for commercial purposes
Raffia, Raphia, genus Raphia, genus Raffia
has subclass(noun) small to medium-sized fan palms
genus Thrinax, Thrinax
has subclass(noun) type genus of the Commelinaceae; large genus of herbs of branching or creeping habit: day flower; widow's tears
genus Commelina
has subclass(noun) large genus of epiphytic or terrestrial sparse-rooting tropical plants usually forming dense clumps or pendant masses
genus Tillandsia, Tillandsia
has subclass(noun) type genus of the Eriocaulaceae: rushlike aquatic or marginal perennials usually found in shallow waters of acid lakes and pools and bogs
Eriocaulon, genus Eriocaulon
has subclass(noun) a monocotyledonous genus of the family Potamogetonaceae
Groenlandia, genus Groenlandia
has subclass(noun) perennial or annual bog or marsh plants; includes arrow grass
Triglochin, genus Triglochin
has subclass(noun) (or in some classifications family Zosteraceae) small genus of widely distributed marine plants
Zostera, genus Zostera
member of(noun) comprising seed plants that produce an embryo with a single cotyledon and parallel-veined leaves: includes grasses and lilies and palms and orchids; divided into four subclasses or superorders: Alismatidae; Arecidae; Commelinidae; and Liliidae
Monocotyledonae, class Monocotyledonae, class Liliopsida, Liliopsida, Monocotyledones, class Monocotyledones


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