por: agitar

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has URIhttp://lexvo.org/id/term/por/agitar
means(verb) move with a thrashing motion; "The bird flapped its wings"; "The eagle beat its wings and soared high into the sky"
flap, beat
means(verb) move an implement through; "stir the soup"; "stir my drink"; "stir the soil"
means(verb) change the arrangement or position of
vex, disturb, stir up, raise up, shake up, agitate, commove
means(verb) move from side to side; "The happy dog wagged his tail"
waggle, wag
means(verb) shock physically; "Georgia was shaken up in the Tech game"
bump around, jar, shake up
means(verb) be agitated; "the sea was churning in the storm"
moil, churn, boil, roil
means(verb) move or swing back and forth; "She waved her gun"
flourish, brandish, wave
means(verb) move unsteadily or with a weaving or rolling motion
wamble, waggle
means(verb) move with a flapping motion; "The bird's wings were flapping"
flap, beat
means(verb) move or cause to move with a sudden jerky motion
jar, jolt
means(verb) move very slightly; "He shifted in his seat"
budge, agitate, shift, stir
means(verb) move in a curve or arc, usually with the intent of hitting; "He swung his left fist"; "swing a bat"
means(verb) make turbid by stirring up the sediments of
roil, rile
means(verb) move or cause to move back and forth; "The chemist shook the flask vigorously"; "My hands were shaking"
shake, agitate
means(verb) move in an abrupt or headlong manner; "He flung himself onto the sofa"
means(verb) shake and cause to make a rattling noise


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