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has glosseng: Onondaga Nation Language ( (IPA ), "Onondaga is our language") is the language of the Onondaga First Nation, one of the original five constituent tribes of the League of the Iroquois (Hodenosaunee).
lexicalizationeng: Onondaga language
lexicalizationeng: Onondaga
subclass ofe/Iroquois Proper languages
instance of
instance of
subclass oflanguage/iro
has glossfra: Lonondaga est une langue iroquoienne du Nord parlée dans lÉtat de New York et en Ontario sur la réserve des Six-Nations par le peuple Onondaga.
lexicalizationfra: Onondaga
has glosskor: 오논다가어는 이로쿼이 연맹에 속했던 부족인 오논다가족이 썼던 언어로 뉴욕의 보호구역과 캐나다의 온타리오에서 쓰이는 언어이다.
lexicalizationkor: 오논다가어
has glosspol: Język Onondaga – język plemienia Onondaga, będącego częścią ligi plemion Irokezów.
lexicalizationpol: Język Onondaga


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