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has glosseng: Táknmál is the Icelandic language word meaning "Sign Language". The word originates from the Norwegian Teiknspråk/Tegnspråk. The corresponding word in Swedish is Teckenspråk, and in Danish it is Tegnsprog.
has glosseng: The Icelandic sign language (íslenskt táknmál) is the sign language of the deaf community in Iceland. It is based on the Danish Sign Language; until 1910, deaf Icelandic people were sent to school in Denmark, but the languages have diverged since then. It is officially recognized by the state and regulated by a national committee.
lexicalizationeng: Icelandic Sign Language
lexicalizationeng: Taknmal
lexicalizationeng: Táknmál
subclass of(noun) a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols; "he taught foreign languages"; "the language introduced is standard throughout the text"; "the speed with which a program can be executed depends on the language in which it is written"
language, linguistic communication
has glossswe: Isländskt teckenspråk, íslenskt táknmál, är teckenspråket för dövsamhället på Island. Det är baserat på det danska teckenspråket; fram till 1910 skickades döva islänningar till Danmark för att lära sig teckenspråk, men språkskillnaderna var för stora. Det är officiellt erkänt av staten och sköts av en nationell kommitté.
lexicalizationswe: Isländskt teckenspråk


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