kor: 비난하다

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has URIhttp://lexvo.org/id/term/kor/%EB%B9%84%EB%82%9C%ED%95%98%EB%8B%A4
means(verb) rebuke formally
reprimand, criminate, censure
means(verb) find fault with; express criticism of; point out real or perceived flaws; "The paper criticized the new movie"; "Don't knock the food--it's free"
pick apart, knock, criticize, criticise
means(verb) censure severely or angrily; "The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car"; "The deputy ragged the Prime Minister"; "The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup"
chide, trounce, jaw, berate, chew up, scold, rag, reproof, remonstrate, rebuke, dress down, bawl out, take to task, call on the carpet, call down, lambaste, have words, lecture, reprimand, lambast, chew out
means(verb) take to task; "He admonished the child for his bad behavior"
admonish, reprove
means(verb) express criticism towards; "The president reproached the general for his irresponsible behavior"
upbraid, reproach
means(verb) utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy; "`I won!' he exclaimed"; "`Help!' she cried"; "`I'm here,' the mother shouted when she saw her child looking lost"
exclaim, cry out, shout, outcry, call out, cry
means(verb) bring an accusation against; level a charge against; "The neighbors accused the man of spousal abuse"
criminate, incriminate, impeach, accuse


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