kor: 말하다

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has URIhttp://lexvo.org/id/term/kor/%EB%A7%90%ED%95%98%EB%8B%A4
means(verb) articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise; "She expressed her anger"; "He uttered a curse"
express, verbalise, utter, verbalize, give tongue to
means(verb) express in speech; "She talks a lot of nonsense"; "This depressed patient does not verbalize"
talk, speak, utter, verbalize, verbalise, mouth
means(verb) make mention of; "She observed that his presentation took up too much time"; "They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing"
observe, mention, note, remark
means(verb) express or state clearly
articulate, vocalise, vocalize, enunciate
means(verb) make or write a comment on; "he commented the paper of his colleague"
comment, remark, point out, notice
means(verb) communicate or express nonverbally; "What does this painting say?"; "Did his face say anything about how he felt?"
means(verb) utter speech sounds
vocalise, vocalize, phonate
means(verb) narrate or give a detailed account of; "Tell what happened"; "The father told a story to his child"
recite, narrate, recount, tell
means(verb) provide commentary for a film, for example
means(verb) make known to the authorities; "One student reported the other to the principal"
means(verb) bring forward and present to the mind; "We presented the arguments to him"; "We cannot represent this knowledge to our formal reason"
present, represent, lay out


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