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has URIhttp://lexvo.org/id/term/hye/%D5%A1%D6%80%D5%A3%D5%A5%D5%AC%D5%A5%D5%AC
means(verb) issue an injunction
means(verb) prohibit especially by legal means or social pressure; "Smoking is banned in this building"
means(verb) give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority; "I said to him to go home"; "She ordered him to do the shopping"; "The mother told the child to get dressed"
order, say, enjoin, tell
means(verb) prevent from entering; keep out; "He was barred from membership in the club"
exclude, debar, bar
means(verb) command against; "I forbid you to call me late at night"; "Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store"; "Dad nixed our plans"
proscribe, prohibit, disallow, veto, forbid, nix, interdict
means(verb) keep from happening or arising; make impossible; "My sense of tact forbids an honest answer"; "Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project"
foreclose, forbid, prevent, forestall, preclude
means(verb) hold back
encumber, cumber, restrain, constrain
means(verb) hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of; "His brother blocked him at every turn"
block, obstruct, embarrass, blockade, hinder, stymie, stymy


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