glg: mozo

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means(noun) a male child (a familiar term of address to a boy)
laddie, sonny, lad, cub, sonny boy
means(noun) a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved; "his girlfriend kicked him out"
lady friend, girlfriend, girl
means(noun) a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman; "if I'd known he was her boyfriend I wouldn't have asked"
young man, boyfriend, fellow, beau, swain
means(noun) any female friend; "Mary and her girlfriend organized the party"
means(noun) a youthful male person; "the baby was a boy"; "she made the boy brush his teeth every night"; "most soldiers are only boys in uniform"
boy, male child


Word: (case sensitive)
Language: (ISO 639-3 code, e.g. "eng" for English)

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