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means(noun) any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome
incumbrance, encumbrance, hitch, preventive, preventative, hindrance, hinderance, interference
means(noun) any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective; "intolerance is a barrier to understanding"
roadblock, barrier
means(noun) any structure that makes progress difficult
obstructer, impedimenta, impediment, obstructor, obstruction
means(noun) the act of obstructing; "obstruction of justice"
means(noun) getting in someone's way
means(noun) an obstruction in a pipe or tube; "we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe"
blockage, occlusion, stoppage, block, stop, closure
means(noun) a structure or object that impedes free movement
means(noun) something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress
hindrance, deterrent, impediment, hinderance, check, handicap, baulk, balk
means(noun) the act of hindering or obstructing or impeding
hinderance, hindrance, interference
means(verb) block passage through; "obstruct the path"
block, close up, obturate, occlude, obstruct, jam, impede
means(verb) hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of; "His brother blocked him at every turn"
block, obstruct, embarrass, blockade, hinder, stymie, stymy
means(verb) be a hindrance or obstacle to; "She is impeding the progress of our project"
impede, hinder


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