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means(noun) the cognitive condition of someone who understands; "he has virtually no understanding of social cause and effect"
understanding, discernment, savvy, apprehension
means(verb) perceive (an idea or situation) mentally; "Now I see!"; "I just can't see your point"; "Does she realize how important this decision is?"; "I don't understand the idea"
see, realize, understand, realise
means(verb) comprehend; "He could not touch the meaning of the poem"
means(verb) know and comprehend the nature or meaning of; "She did not understand her husband"; "I understand what she means"
means(verb) make sense of a language; "She understands French"; "Can you read Greek?"
read, understand, interpret, translate
means(verb) find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of; "did you solve the problem?"; "Work out your problems with the boss"; "this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out"; "did you get it?"; "Did you get my meaning?"; "He could not work the math problem"
lick, solve, puzzle out, work out, work, figure out
means(verb) grasp with the mind or develop an understanding of; "did you catch that allusion?"; "We caught something of his theory in the lecture"; "don't catch your meaning"; "did you get it?"; "She didn't get the joke"; "I just don't get him"
get, catch
means(verb) get the meaning of something; "Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?"
comprehend, apprehend, get the picture, grasp, dig, savvy, grok, compass
means(verb) come to understand
bottom, fathom, penetrate
means(verb) understand, usually after some initial difficulty; "She didn't know what her classmates were plotting but finally caught on"
cotton on, catch on, get wise, get onto, get it, twig, latch on, tumble
means(verb) be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information; possess knowledge or information about; "I know that the President lied to the people"; "I want to know who is winning the game!"; "I know it's time"
cognise, know, cognize
means(verb) understand; "He didn't figure her"
means(verb) include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one's sphere or territory; "This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds"; "this should cover everyone in the group"
comprehend, encompass, embrace, cover
means(verb) have as a part, be made up out of; "The list includes the names of many famous writers"
means(verb) be fully aware or cognizant of
recognize, recognise, realize, agnize, realise, agnise
means(verb) mean or intend to express or convey; "You never understand what I mean!"; "what do his words intend?"
mean, intend
means(verb) be fully aware of; realize fully; "Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?"
take account, appreciate
means(verb) consider as part of something; "I include you in the list of culprits"
means(verb) to become aware of through the senses; "I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon"
comprehend, perceive
means(verb) be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object; "She doesn't know this composer"; "Do you know my sister?"; "We know this movie"; "I know him under a different name"; "This flower is known as a Peruvian Lily"
means(verb) include or contain; have as a component; "A totally new idea is comprised in this paper"; "The record contains many old songs from the 1930's"
incorporate, contain, comprise
means(verb) act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression; "This book deals with incest"; "The course covered all of Western Civilization"; "The new book treats the history of China"
deal, cover, treat, handle, plow, address
means(verb) interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression; "I read this address as a satire"; "How should I take this message?"; "You can't take credit for this!"
read, take
means(verb) contain as a part; "Dinner at Joe's always involves at least six courses"
means(verb) keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view; "take for granted"; "view as important"; "hold these truths to be self-evident"; "I hold him personally responsible"
deem, view as, hold, take for
means(verb) give the correct answer or solution to; "answer a question"; "answer the riddle"


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