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means(noun) how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify
quantity, amount, measure
means(noun) (physics) the smallest discrete quantity of some physical property that a system can possess (according to quantum theory)
means(noun) a discrete amount of something that is analogous to the quantities in quantum theory
means(noun) the magnitude of something in a particular direction (especially length or width or height)
means(noun) the distance or area or volume over which something extends; "the vast extent of the desert"; "an orchard of considerable extent"
means(noun) a concept of quantity involving zero and units; "every number has a unique position in the sequence"
means(noun) the property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite quantity of units or individuals; "he had a number of chores to do"; "the number of parameters is small"; "the figure was about a thousand"
figure, number
means(noun) the relative magnitude of something with reference to a criterion; "an adequate amount of food for four people"
means(noun) the concept that something has a magnitude and can be represented in mathematical expressions by a constant or a variable
means(noun) the amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object; "the gas expanded to twice its original volume"
means(noun) a relative amount; "mix one volume of the solution with ten volumes of water"
means(noun) the physical magnitude of something (how big it is); "a wolf is about the size of a large dog"
means(noun) a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers
amount, total, sum


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