eng: scratch

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has URIhttp://lexvo.org/id/term/eng/scratch
means(noun) an abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off
scratch, abrasion, scrape, excoriation
means(noun) a depression scratched or carved into a surface
prick, dent, slit, incision, scratch
means(noun) informal terms for money
lettuce, gelt, clams, cabbage, moolah, loot, lolly, lucre, scratch, sugar, wampum, simoleons, kale, dough, dinero, bread, boodle, shekels, pelf
means(noun) a competitor who has withdrawn from competition
means(noun) a line indicating the location of the start of a race or a game
scratch line, start, starting line, scratch
means(noun) dry mash for poultry
chicken feed, scratch
means(noun) a harsh noise made by scraping; "the scrape of violin bows distracted her"
scratch, scrape, scratching, scraping
means(noun) poor handwriting
scratch, cacography, scrawl, scribble
means(noun) (golf) a handicap of zero strokes; "a golfer who plays at scratch should be able to achieve par on a course"
means(noun) an indication of damage
scratch, scar, mark, scrape
means(verb) cause friction; "my sweater scratches"
rub, fret, scratch, chafe, fray
means(verb) cut the surface of; wear away the surface of
scrape, scratch up, scratch
means(verb) scrape or rub as if to relieve itching; "Don't scratch your insect bites!"
itch, rub, scratch
means(verb) postpone indefinitely or annul something that was scheduled; "Call off the engagement"; "cancel the dinner party"; "we had to scrub our vacation plans"; "scratch that meeting--the chair is ill"
scrub, scratch, cancel, call off
means(verb) remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line; "Please strike this remark from the record"; "scratch that remark"
excise, strike, expunge, scratch
means(verb) gather (money or other resources) together over time; "She had scraped together enough money for college"; "they scratched a meager living"
scrape up, scratch, scrape, come up
means(verb) carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface; "engrave a pen"; "engraved the trophy cupt with the winner's"; "the lovers scratched their names into the bark of the tree"
engrave, inscribe, grave, scratch
meanse/Scratch (film)


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