ell: κουζίνα

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has URIhttp://lexvo.org/id/term/ell/%CE%BA%CE%BF%CF%85%CE%B6%CE%AF%CE%BD%CE%B1
means(noun) a room equipped for preparing meals
means(noun) the practice or manner of preparing food or the food so prepared
culinary art, cuisine
means(noun) the kitchen area for food preparation on an airliner
means(noun) the area for food preparation on a ship
ship's galley, caboose, cookhouse, galley
means(noun) a particular style of cookery (as of a region); "New England gastronomy"
means(noun) the act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat; "cooking can be a great art"; "people are needed who have experience in cookery"; "he left the preparation of meals to his wife"
preparation, cooking, cookery
means(noun) a kitchen appliance used for cooking food; "dinner was already on the stove"
range, cooking stove, stove, kitchen stove, kitchen range


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