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has glosseng: A tronie (Dutch for a "face") is a common type of Dutch and Flemish Baroque painting that shows an exaggerated facial expression or a stock character in costume. Typically a painted head or bust only, if concentrating on the facial expression, but often half-length if an exotic costume featured, they might be based on studies from life or use the features of actual sitters. But the image would normally be sold on the art market without identification of the sitter, and would not have been commissioned and retained by the sitter as portraits normally were. Several Rembrandt self-portrait etchings are tronies, as are paintings of himself, his son and his women. Three Vermeer paintings were described as "tronies" in the Dissius auction of 1696, perhaps including the Girl with a Pearl Earring and the Washington Girl with a flute.
lexicalizationeng: tronie
instance of(noun) the feelings expressed on a person's face; "a sad expression"; "a look of triumph"; "an angry face"
expression, facial expression, aspect, look, face
has glossdeu: Eine Tronie, (steht für „Kopf“, „Gesicht“ oder „Gesichtsausdruck“), ist eine Bildgattung der gegenständlichen Malerei. Dabei handelt es sich um porträtähnliche Charakterstudien, auf denen oftmals anonyme Personen mit interessanter Physiognomie oder Kostümierung dargestellt werden.
lexicalizationdeu: Tronie
has glossrus: Tronie (от  — голова, лицо, рожа) — разновидность портрета, одна из форм жанровой живописи получившая распространение в Голландии в XVII веке. Представляет собой поясные или по плечные портретные студии, изображавшие зачастую анонимных моделей с необычным выражением лица или костюмом.
lexicalizationrus: Tronie
has glossspa: Un tronie (en Holandés "rostro") es un género de pintura propio del barroco flamenco holandés. Se trata de retratos, normalmente de pequeño tamaño en las que el protagonista muestra una expresión facial exagerada. Aunque el tronie típico mostraba un retrato de una persona de medio cuerpo, o del busto únicamente, no solían realizarse con intención retratística, si no más bien para mostrar las dotes artísticas del pintor, y su maestría a la hora de captar gestos, grotescos muchas veces, y expresiones inusuales. Por lo tanto, raro es el caso de tronies en los que se conoce el nombre del comitente.
lexicalizationspa: tronie
media:imgJan Vermeer van Delft 020.jpg
media:imgJoos van Craesbeeck - LE FUMEUR.jpg
media:imgRembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 115.jpg
media:imgRembrandt van Rijn 183 retouched.jpg


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