e/Toddler bed

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has glosseng: A toddler bed is a small bed designed for toddlers and is used as a transitional bed between an infant bed and an ordinary bed. Commonly these beds will have low side rails (cot sides, possibly removable) on each side to prevent accidental rolling out of the bed while asleep, rather than being fully enclosed like an Infant bed. A toddler bed is low to the ground to facilitate safe and easy entry and exit for the occupant. The mattress in a toddler bed is often the same size as that in an infant bed. As toddlers are learning to express their tastes, licensed or themed beds to appeal to their preferences are available (for example, a racing car bed).
lexicalizationeng: toddler bed
instance of(noun) a piece of furniture that provides a place to sleep; "he sat on the edge of the bed"; "the room had only a bed and chair"


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