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has glosseng: In the fictional universe of Warhammer Fantasy, Tilea is the region of the warhammer world roughly analogous with that of renaissance Italy. Some are Republics, such as the Republic of Remas. Tilea is also home to mercenaries of many races, men being the most common, but also dwarves and ogres fight in the armies of the Merchant Princes. The Dogs of War army in Warhammer Fantasy, as yet not having received an Army Book for 6th (nor 7th) Edition, represents the armies of the various Merchant Princes and are comprised entirely of hired mercenaries.
lexicalizationeng: Tilea
instance ofc/Warhammer Fantasy locations
has glossita: Tilea รจ una delle regioni del mondo fittizio di Warhammer.
lexicalizationita: tilea


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