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has glosseng: Stromasys S.A. produces cross-platform virtualization software for the migration of ex-Digital Equipment PDP-11, VAX and AlphaServer systems, running on OpenVMS or Tru64, to x86 standard hardware or Hewlett-Packard Integrity. Its best-known products, CHARON-VAX and CHARON-AXP are installed on a Microsoft Windows or HP-Integrity server which virtualizes the PDP-11, VAX or Alpha hardware. After the installation of an OpenVMS or Tru64 operating system image, the data on the legacy system can be copied on the virtualized server. Compared to traditional system migration, time, costs and risk of rewriting and/or updating the OpenVMS, Tru64, ADABAS, Oracle Rdb and - CODASYL DBMS software applications are being saved.
lexicalizationeng: Stromasys
instance of(noun) an institution created to conduct business; "he only invests in large well-established companies"; "he started the company in his garage"


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