e/Stewart Rawlings Mott

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has glosseng: Stewart Rawlings Mott (December 4, 1937 – June 12, 2008) Born in Flint, Michigan was a philanthropist who founded the Stewart R. Mott Charitable Trust. He was the son of Charles Stewart Mott, and appeared on Nixons Enemies List for his support of liberal causes. He attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for three years, and finished his education at Columbia University earning two Bachelors degrees, one in business administration and one in comparative literature. He wrote a thesis on Sophocles for a Master's Degree from Columbia, which he never finished. His philanthropy included abortion reform, birth control, sex research, feminism, arms control, gay rights, civil liberties, governmental reform, and research on extrasensory perception.
lexicalizationeng: Stewart Rawlings Mott
instance of(noun) any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage
human, man, homo, human being


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