e/Sooty mold

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has glosseng: Sooty molds are Ascomycete fungi which grow from the sugary honeydew secreted by plants and insects aphids, scales, the whitefly, and other insects which suck sap from their host plants. The name itself is descriptive, as sooty mold is a black, powdery coating on the leaves of ornamentals such as azaleas, gardenias, camellias, crepe myrtles, and laurels. Plants located under pecan or hickory trees are more susceptible to sooty mold because honeydew-secreting insects often inhabit these trees, and the honeydew can drip down to the plants below. Look for sooty mold on new growth and leaves, since these insects prefer soft tissue. The fungus itself does little harm to the plant; it merely blocks sunlight and very rarely may stunt a plant's growth and yellow its foliage. Thus, sooty mold is essentially a cosmetic problem, as it is unsightly and can take over a plant in a matter of days or weeks. Some common genera causing sooty molds are Cladosporium, Aureobasidium, Antennariella, Limacinula, Scorias, and Capnodium.
lexicalizationeng: Sooty Mold
instance of(noun) the taxonomic kingdom including yeast, molds, smuts, mushrooms, and toadstools; distinct from the green plants
fungus kingdom, Fungi, kingdom Fungi
has glossita: La fumaggine è una patologia delle piante causata dallo sviluppo di funghi saprofiti su substrati glucidici presenti sulla superficie dei vegetali.
lexicalizationita: fumaggine
has glosspor: A fumagina é uma doença que ocorre em vegetais, que tem como causa o desenvolvimento de fungos de coloração escura, sobre substâncias excretadas pelos pulgões.
lexicalizationpor: Fumagina
media:imgScale and sooty mold on a Eucalyptus tree.jpg


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