e/Princess Ljubica's Residence

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has glosseng: Princess Ljubica's Residence in Belgrade was built between 1829 and 1831 by Hadži-Nikola Živković, a pioneer of contemporary Serbian architecture. The residence was built on order by prince Miloš Obrenović for his wife Ljubica and their children, the future rulers Milan and Mihailo. It is preserved as the most representative city house from the first half of 19th century. Architecturally, it contains Ottoman attributes (the so-called Serbian-Balkan style) but with elements of classicism which anticipate future Western influences on architecture in Belgrade.
lexicalizationeng: Princess Ljubica's Residence
instance ofc/Buildings and structures in Belgrade
has glossfra: La résidence kneginja Ljubica ou résidence de la princesse Ljubica, en serbe /, est un manoir et un musée de Belgrade, la capitale de la Serbie. Il est situé au 8, rue Kneza Sime Markovića.
lexicalizationfra: Residence kneginja Ljubica
lexicalizationfra: Résidence kneginja ljubica
has glosssrp: Конак кнегиње Љубице налази се у улици кнеза Симе Марковића број 8.
lexicalizationsrp: Конак кнегиње Љубице
media:imgRésidence de la princesse Ljubica.jpg


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