e/President of Romania

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has glosseng: The President of Romania is the head of state of Romania. The President is directly elected by a two-round system for a five-year term (since 2004, after the Constitution was modified in 2003). An individual may serve two terms. During his/her term in office, the President may not be a member of any political party. The President of Romania has the right to name the Prime-Minister at his discretion after consulting the political parties in the Parliament and if his proposals are turned down by the Parliament two times in 60 days, except for the last 6 months of neither the first or second term, the President can dissolve the Parliament and call for early General Elections. The President can only name the Prime Minister and not dismiss him from office but can refuse naming of members of the cabinet once and have no right to act the second time, even though the same name is proposed, this happened during Tăriceanu II Cabinet in 2007 by Traian Băsescu, more precisely for Adrian Cioroianu's proposal for Minister of Foreign Affairs who ultimately was dismissed after a unsuccessful year in office.
has glosseng: The President of Romania is the head of state of Romania. The President is directly elected by a two-round system for a five-year term (since 2004, after the Constitution was modified in 2003). He or she can serve two terms. During his term in office, the President must not be a member of any political party.
lexicalizationeng: List of Presidents of Romania
lexicalizationeng: President of romania
lexicalizationeng: Presidents of Romania
subclass of(noun) the chief public representative of a country who may also be the head of government
head of state, chief of state
has instancee/List of heads of state of Romania
has instancec/es/Primer ministro de Rumania
has instancee/fr/Président de Roumanie
has instancee/it/Presidente della Romania
has instancee/nl/Lijst van staatshoofden van Roemenië
has instancee/sk/Zoznam vládcov Rumunska
lexicalizationara: رؤساء رومانيا
lexicalizationbel: Прэзыдэнты Румыніі
has glosscat: Aquesta és la llista de Presidents de Romania:
lexicalizationcat: President de Romania
lexicalizationcat: Presidents de Romania
has glossces: Prezident Rumunska je hlavou státu Rumunsko. Od roku 2004 je volen na pětileté období (Rumunská ústava byla změněna v roce 2003) a může být zvolen maximálně na dvě období po sobě. Bývalý prezident Ion Iliescu byl ve funkci ve třech volebních obdobích.
lexicalizationces: Prezidenti Rumunska
lexicalizationces: Seznam prezidentů Rumunska
has glosscym: Dyma restr Arlywyddion Rwmania:
lexicalizationcym: Arlywyddion Rwmania
lexicalizationcym: Rhestr Arlywyddion Rwmania
lexicalizationdan: Rumæniens præsidenter
lexicalizationdeu: Präsident
lexicalizationfin: Romanian presidentit
has glossfra: Ce tableau présente la liste des chefs d'État roumains depuis la proclamation de la République le 30 décembre 1947. Il fait suite à la Liste des rois de Roumanie
lexicalizationfra: Chefs d'État roumains
lexicalizationfra: Presidents de Roumanie
lexicalizationfra: Président de Roumanie
lexicalizationfra: Présidents de roumanie
lexicalizationido: Prezidisti di Rumania
has glossind: Presiden Rumania adalah kepala negara Rumania. Jabatan ini dipilih untuk periode lima tahun dalam sekali masa jabatan (sejak 2004, setelah Konstitusi dimodifidifikasi pada 2003).
lexicalizationind: Daftar Presiden Rumania
lexicalizationind: Presiden Rumania
lexicalizationita: Presidenti della Romania
has glossjpn: ルーマニアの大統領(ルーマニアのだいとうりょう、)は、ルーマニアの国家元首。
lexicalizationjpn: ルーマニアの大統領
has glosskat: რუმინეთის პრეზიდენტი - რუმინეთის სახელმწიფოს მეთაური, რომელსაც მოსახლეობა ირჩევს 5 წლის ვადით.
lexicalizationkat: რუმინეთის პრეზიდენტები
lexicalizationkat: რუმინეთის პრეზიდენტი
has glosskor: 루마니아의 대통령은 루마니아의 국가원수이다. 대통령은 2단계로 치러지며, 직접 선거를 통해 선출된다. (이는 2004년부터 시행된 2003년 개정 헌법에 의한 것이다.) 임기 중에 루마니아의 대통령은 정당에 속할 수 없다.
lexicalizationkor: 루마니아의 대통령
has glosslat: Hic habes indicem regum praesidumque Romaniae.
lexicalizationlat: Index regum praesidumque Romaniae
lexicalizationlat: Praesides Romaniae
lexicalizationlav: Rumānijas prezidents
lexicalizationmon: Румыны ерөнхийлөгчид
lexicalizationnld: President van Roemenië
Norwegian Nynorsk
lexicalizationnno: Rumenske presidentar
has glossnor: Dette er en liste over Romanias presidenter:
lexicalizationnor: Liste over Romanias presidenter
has glosspol: Lista prezydentów Rumunii *1947-1948 – Mihail Sadoveanu *1948-1952 – Constantin Parhon *1952-1958 – Petru Groza *1958-1961 – Ion Gheorghe Maurer *1961-1965 – Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej *1965-1967 – Chivu Stoica *1967-1989 – Nicolae Ceausescu *1989-1996 – Ion Iliescu *1996-2000 – Emil Constantinescu *2000-2004 – Ion Iliescu (2. kadencja) *2004– Traian Basescu *20 kwietnia-23 maja 2007 Nicolae Văcăroiu (tymczasowo, w zastępstwie T.Basescu)
lexicalizationpol: Prezydenci Rumunii
lexicalizationpor: Lista de Presidentes da Roménia
lexicalizationpor: Lista de presidentes da Romênia
lexicalizationpor: Presidentes da Romênia
has glossron: Preşedintele României este şeful de stat al României. El are rolul de a reprezenta statul român în relaţiile internaţionale; conform Constituţiei, este garantul independenţei naţionale, veghează la respectarea Constituţiei şi la buna funcţionare a autorităţilor publice, exercită funcţia de mediere între puterile statului, precum şi între stat şi societate. De asemenea, preşedintele este comandantul forţelor armate şi îndeplineşte funcţia de preşedinte al Consiliului Suprem de Apărare a Ţării.
lexicalizationron: Presedintele romaniei
lexicalizationron: Preşedintele României
lexicalizationron: Preşedinţii României
lexicalizationron: Președintele României
has glossrus: Президент Румынии — глава государства Румыния. Должность учреждена в 1947 после упразднения монархии; до 29 марта 1974 года именовалась Председатель Государственного совета . Резиденцией президента является дворец Котрочени.
lexicalizationrus: Президент Румынии
lexicalizationrus: Президенты Румынии
lexicalizationslk: Prezidenti Rumunska
has glossslv: Seznam predsednikov Romunije.
lexicalizationslv: Seznam predsednikov Romunije
lexicalizationspa: Gobernantes de Rumania
lexicalizationspa: Presidente de Rumania
lexicalizationspa: Presidente de Rumanía
has glosssrp: Ово је списак председника Румуније:
lexicalizationsrp: Председници Румуније
has glossszl: Lista prezydyntůw Růmůńije *1947-1948 – Mihail Sadoveanu *1948-1952 – Constantin Parhon *1952-1958 – Petru Groza *1958-1961 – Ion Gheorghe Maurer *1961-1965 – Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej *1965-1989 – Nicolae Ceausescu *1989-1996 – Ion Iliescu *1996-2000 – Emil Constantinescu *2000-2004 – Ion Iliescu (2. kadyncyjo) *2004– Traian Basescu *20 kwjetńo-23 moja 2007 Nicolae Văcăroiu (we zastympstwje za T.Basescu)
lexicalizationszl: Prezydynty Růmůńije
lexicalizationukr: Список президентів Румунії
has glosszho: 本列表詳列歷任羅馬尼亞總統: | border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 95%;" !漢語譯名 !名字原文 !就任日期 !離任日期 !註 |- |康斯坦丁·扬·Parhon | |1948年 |1952年 | |- |彼得鲁·格罗查 | |1952年 |1958年 | |- |扬·格奥尔基·毛雷尔 | |1958年 |1961年 | |- |格奥尔基·乔治乌-德治 | |1961年 |1965年 | |- |尼古拉·齐奥塞斯库 | |1965年 |1989年12月22日 |政變後與家人同被槍殺 |- |扬·伊利埃斯库 | |1989年12月22日 |1996年11月29日 | |- |埃米尔·康斯坦丁内斯库 | |1996年11月29日 |2000年12月20日 | |- |扬·伊利埃斯库 | |2000年12月20日 |2004年12月20日 |二次執政 |- |特莱扬·伯塞斯库 | |2004年12月20日 |2007年4月20日 |被弹劾而要下台,但為其所拒絕 |- |尼古拉·沃克罗尤 | |2007年4月20日 |2007年5月23日 |暫代 |- |特莱扬·伯塞斯库 | |2007年5月23日 |在职 |復職,全民公決否決了對伯塞斯庫的彈劾案。 |}
lexicalizationzho: 罗马尼亚总统
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media:imgTraian Băsescu 2005Mar09.jpg


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