e/Old Money

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has glosseng: Old money is "the inherited wealth of established upper-class families" or "a person, family, or lineage possessing inherited wealth". The term typically describes families wealthy for generations. American locations such as Greenwich, Connecticut, Long Islands Gold Coast, the Upper East Side of Manhattan, Bostons Back Bay and Beacon Hill, Wellesley, MA and Philadelphia's Main Line are associated with old money.
lexicalizationeng: Old Money
instance ofc/Social classes
has glosshbs: Klasa starog novca (engleski: Old money, stari novac) je izraz kojim se označavaju pojedinci i društvene grupe koji pripadaju višoj klasi u kapitalističkim društvima, a koji su taj položaj naslijedili od svojih predaka umjesto stekli svojim radom.
lexicalizationhbs: Klasa starog novca


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