e/Moon wrasse

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has glosseng: The moon wrasse, Thalassoma lunare, is a wrasse of the Labridae family found in the Indo-Pacific oceans at depths of between 1 and 20 m. Its length is up to 25 cm.
lexicalizationeng: Moon wrasse
instance of(noun) a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently
being, organism
has glosscat: Thalassoma lunare és una espècie de peix de la família dels làbrids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.
lexicalizationcat: Thalassoma lunare
has glossfra: Thalassoma lunare, espèce appelée Girelle paon aux Maldives ou Girelle verte (France, Djibouti) est une girelle, nom donné à certains poissons osseux de petite taille de la famille des Labridae.
lexicalizationfra: Thalassoma lunare
has glossita: Thalassoma lunare, conosciuto comunemente come Labride verde e blu è un pesce d'acqua salata appartenente alla famiglia Labridae.
lexicalizationita: Thalassoma lunare
has glossslv: Thalassoma lunare je vrsta ustnač, ki poseljuje obalne vode Indijskega in Tihega oceana od globin 1 do 20 metrov.
lexicalizationslv: Thalassoma lunare
has glosszho: 新月锦鱼(学名:)为隆头鱼科锦鱼属的鱼类。分布于红海、印度洋非洲东岸至太平洋中部、北至日本、台湾岛以及南海诸岛、广东沿海等。该物种的模式产地在南亚和东南亚。<ref name=id7770/>
lexicalizationzho: 新月锦鱼
media:imgThalassoma lunare 1.jpg
media:imgThalassoma lunare.jpg


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