e/Microsoft Layer for Unicode

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has glosseng: Microsoft Layer for Unicode (or MSLU) is a software library for Windows software developers to simplify creating Unicode-aware applications for Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me. It is also known as UnicoWS (Unicode for Windows 95/98/Me Systems) or UNICOWS.DLL, or even "cows".
lexicalizationeng: Microsoft Layer for Unicode
instance of(noun) (computing) a collection of standard programs and subroutines that are stored and available for immediate use
library, subroutine library, program library
has glossfra: Microsoft Layer for Unicode (MSLU) est une bibliothèque logicielle destinée à simplifier le développement de logiciels reconnaissant Unicode et tournant sous Windows 95, Windows 98 ou Windows Me. Elle est aussi connue en tant que UnicoWS (Unicode for Windows 95/98/Me Systems), UNICOWS.DLL ou cows (« vaches » en français).
lexicalizationfra: Microsoft Layer for Unicode
has glossjpn: Microsoft Layer for Unicode (MSLU)は、Windows 9x系 (95/98/Me)でUnicode対応のアプリケーションソフトウェアを実行するためのマイクロソフト製のライブラリである。UnicoWS (Unicode for Windows 95/98/Me Systems)やUNICOWS.DLLなどといった名称でも知られている。
lexicalizationjpn: Microsoft Layer for Unicode


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