e/Marienburg (Warhammer)

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has glosseng: Marienburg is a fictional city in the Warhammer Fantasy universe. It is a wealthy city that has broken apart from the rest of the Empire, and is roughly analogous to the 16th and 17th century Dutch Republic, although as with many of the Warhammer Background's Cities it also is heavy influenced by UK locations, in this case mainly Liverpool. It is renowned for its flourishing sea trade and the flamboyant dress of its merchants. At the time of the setting of the Games Workshop game Mordheim, it had not yet broken away.
lexicalizationeng: Marienburg
instance ofc/Warhammer Fantasy locations
has glosspol: Marienburg to fikcyjne miasto w świecie Warhammera. Jest bogatym portem kupieckim, który odłączył się od reszty Imperium. Wzorowany jest na 16- i 17-wiecznej Holandii oraz niektórych miastach Wielkiej Brytanii, szczególnie na Liverpoolu. Słynny jest ze względu na kwitnący handel morski oraz niezwykle kolorowe stroje swoich kupców.
lexicalizationpol: Marienburg


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