e/Licinia (gens)

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has glosseng: The gens Licinia was a celebrated plebeian family at Rome, which appears from the earliest days of the Republic until imperial times, and which eventually obtained the imperial dignity. The first of the gens to obtain the consulship was Gaius Licinius Calvus Stolo, who, as tribune of the plebs from 376 to 367 B.C., prevented the election of any of the annual magistrates, until the patricians acquiesced to the passage of the lex Licinia Sextia, or Licinian Rogations. This law, named for Licinius and his colleague, Lucius Sextius, opened the consulship for the first time to the plebeians. Licinius himself was subsequently elected consul in 364 and 361 B.C., and from this time, the Licinii became one of the most illustrious gentes in the Republic.
lexicalizationeng: Licinia
lexicalizationeng: Licinii
instance of(noun) family based on male descent; "he had no sons and there was no one to carry on his name"
gens, name
has glossbul: Лициниите (Licinii) са римска плебейска фамилия в Древен Рим с име Лициний (Licinius) от gens Licinia. Клонове на фамилията са Лицинии Краси (Licinii Crassi) и Лицинии Лукули (Licinii Luculli).
lexicalizationbul: Лицинии
has glosscat: Licínia fou una gens romana plebea, que fou una de les que més va influir en lobertura del consolat als plebeus. Fou una de les famílies plebees més importants de la república, junt amb les seves branques dels Crassi i el Luculli. El seu origen és incert. Podria ser dorigen etrusc ja que el nom equivalent etrusc de Lecne apareix a nombroses tombes.
lexicalizationcat: Gens Licinia
lexicalizationcat: Gens Licínia
has glossdeu: Licinius (deutsch Licinier) war im römischen Reich das Nomen der plebejischen gens Licinia. Zweige der Familie sind die Licinii Crassi und die Licinii Luculli.
lexicalizationdeu: Licinier
has glossita: La Gens Licinia, o Licinii, è stata una celebrata gens plebea dell'Antica Roma.
lexicalizationita: Gens Licinia
lexicalizationita: Licinii
lexicalizationjpn: リキニウス氏族
has glosslit: Licinijų giminė – įtakinga plebėjiškos kilmės senovės Romos giminė. Pirmą kartą jos atstovas (Gajus Licinijus Stolonas) tapo konsulu 361 m. pr. m. e.
lexicalizationlit: Licinijų giminė
has glossnld: De Gens Licinia was een beroemde familie van plebejers uit het oude Rome. Een van de leden van de familie was Gaius Licinius Calvus Stolo, een groot pleitbezorger van het recht van plebejers om consul te worden. De Licinii werden een van de meest illustere gentes in de nadagen van de republiek, door de Crassi en de Luculi, beide cognomen binnen de familie.
lexicalizationnld: Gens Licinia
has glossrus: Лицинии — римский плебейский род, один из представителей которого в 493 году до н. э. был в числе первых народных трибунов. Из последующих особенно известен Гай Лициний Калв Столон .
lexicalizationrus: Лицинии
media:imgP. Crassus denarius.jpg
media:imgVexilloid of the Roman Empire.svg


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