e/Kau Kee Restaurant

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has glosseng: Kau Kee Restaurant is a noodle shop with over ninety years of history on Gough Street in Hong Kong. Kau Kee is noted for creating beef brisket noodles in clear soup. Famous patrons include Chief Executive of Hong Kong Donald Tsang and actor Tony Leung Chiu Wai. It is unique compared with other noodle shops in that it only serves beef brisket in clear soup and curry beef brisket, and does not serve fishballs, beefballs and other dishes usually associated with noodle shops.
lexicalizationeng: Kau Kee Restaurant
instance of(noun) a building where people go to eat
restaurant, eating place, eatery, eating house
has glosszho: 九記是香港一間以牛腩著名的食肆,位於上環歌賦街21號,已有90年歷史,以清湯牛腩及咖哩牛腩聞名,湯底以中藥配方製成。九記現由潘國興經營,東主稱現任香港特區行政長官曾蔭權3代皆有光顧。
lexicalizationzho: 九記
media:imgHK KauKeeRestaurant.JPG


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