e/Jumbo Kingdom

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has glosseng: Jumbo Kingdom consists of the Jumbo Floating Restaurant (珍寶海鮮舫) and the Tai Pak Floating Restaurant (太白海鮮舫), renowned tourist attractions in Hong Kong's Aberdeen Harbour. Over 30 million visitors have visited Jumbo Kingdom, including Queen Elizabeth II, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Chow Yun Fat and Gong Li. There was also a Jumbo Kingdom Manila in Manila Bay, Philippines, but was closed after 8 years of operation. Jumbo Kingdom is part of Melco International Development Limited (新濠國際發展有限公司), a company listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
lexicalizationeng: Jumbo Kingdom
instance of(noun) a building where people go to eat
restaurant, eating place, eatery, eating house
has glosszho: 珍寶王國是香港一座歷史悠久、停泊在香港島南區香港仔深灣的兩艘著名的海上畫舫,由珍寶海鮮舫及太白海鮮舫組成(昔日還包括海角皇宮),是香港南區的著名地標。很多人一般以「珍寶海鮮舫」之名概括整個珍寶王國。現時珍寶王國由香港上市公司新濠國際發展有限公司負責管理,周星馳的電影作品《食神》就在此地拍攝。
lexicalizationzho: 珍寶王國
geo locgeographic location 22.243194444444445 114.162
media:imgAberdeen harbour hk.jpg
media:imgJumbo Floating Restaurant - Inside.jpg
media:imgJumbo Floating Restaurant 1.jpg


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