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has glosseng: Irori (いろり, 囲炉裏, 居炉裏) are a type of traditional sunken hearth common in Japan. Used for heating the home and cooking food, irori are essentially square pits in the floor with a pot hook, or jizaikagi (自在鉤). These hooks generally were hollow bamboo tubes containing an iron rod, with an attached lever, often shaped like a fish, that would allow the pot or kettle to be raised or lowered.
lexicalizationeng: Irori
instance of(noun) the coldest season of the year; in the northern hemisphere it extends from the winter solstice to the vernal equinox
winter, wintertime
has glossdeu: Irori (jap. いろり, 囲炉裏, 居炉裏) ist ein traditioneller japanischer Herdtyp. Irori erschienen erstmals in der Kofun-Zeit und dienten zunächst als zusätzlicher Kochherd und zum Heizen. Der Ofentyp verbreitete sich in der frühen Nara-Zeit. Kleinere Irori werden im japanischen Teehaus verwendet.
lexicalizationdeu: Irori
has glossjpn: 囲炉裏(いろり:居炉裏とも表記)とは、伝統的な日本の家屋において床を四角く切って開け灰を敷き詰め、薪や炭火などを熾すために設けられた一角のこと。主に暖房・調理目的に用いる。数える際には「基」を用いる。古くは、比多岐(ひたき)や地火炉(じかろ)とも言った。
lexicalizationjpn: 囲炉裏
lexicalizationspa: Irori
media:imgJapanese Traditional Hearth L4817.jpg


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