e/Inverness Castle

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has glosseng: Inverness Castle sits on a cliff overlooking the River Ness, in Inverness, Scotland. The red sand stone structure evident today was built in 1836 by architect William Burn. It is built on the site of an 11th century defensive structure. Today, it houses Inverness Sheriff Court. There has been a castle at this site for many centuries. The castle itself is not open to the public but the grounds are.
lexicalizationeng: Inverness castle
instance of(noun) a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place; "there was a three-story building on the corner"; "it was an imposing edifice"
building, edifice
has glosseus: Invernessko gaztelua (ingeleraz Inverness Castle) Eskoziako Inverness hirian Ness ibaiara begira dagoen amildegi ertz baten gainean kokatzen den gaztelua da. Gaur egungo eraikinaren hondar gorrizko egiturak, hau 1836an William Burn arkitektoak eraikia dagoela baieztatzen du. Eraikina bera XI. mendetik aurrera hainbat defentsa egitura eraiki ziren lekuan kokatzen da. Gaur egun, Invernessko Sheriff Ganberaren egoitza da. Mendeetan zehar leku honetan hainbat gaztelu egon dira. Gaztelua bera jendeari itxia dago, halere bere inguruko lursail eta lorategiak edozeinentzat irekiak daude.
lexicalizationeus: Invernessko gaztelua
geo locgeographic location 57.476111111111116 -4.2250000000000005
media:imgInverness Castle 2.jpg
media:imgInverness Castle, Scotland.jpg


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